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More bitching by SS20

SMto3's picture

This past weekend, I went to SS15’s room and he was annoyed, stating that we need to talk to SS20 because SS20 tells us one thing but he says something else to him. I told him that I already asked SS20 if he was okay about 3 times seeing as he was making obvious he was moping, and also what more could I do if I’m already asking someone if they are okay but they insist on not sharing what is wrong. Turns out, SS15 states that SS20 is upset because he feels like he gives us his whole check. For clarification purposes, he has to pay us back the money he borrowed from us for his own car which by the way he has not been paying consistently though he has been making payments. At this point, he only owes about 2k, 1k of which will be paid once someone buys the car back off of him (it no longer runs). He makes 600 weekly, he can certainly pay that back within a month.

The kicker for me is that SS20 really does not understand how good he has it (at least financially). He has not had to struggle like I did to get my first car, he had his own space in the basement before I moved him out due to him being unable to listen to the house rules as per my last post. Instead of him showing his little brother that doing the right thing is the best thing to do, he’s bitching and complaining that we “take his check” from him, when I’ve told him to communicate if it ever feels like too much. When we confronted him, SS20 didn’t have much to say and stated that he wants to save to put all his money into his music career, to which I told him he’s not operating as if he is part of a family, he’s operating as if it is all about him. He didn’t really have much to say, I just told him to go ahead and go for his dreams but after the 3 months he states it will take for him to get this done, he needs to start saving to leave. He has to leave, I just cannot live with someone as selfish as he is turning out to be. 

It’s going to be very interesting today because this is the first time he has to be in the house, not the basement while DH does the overnight. If I know SS20 as well as I think I do, he will try to sneak someone into the basement regardless. He will wait until I go to sleep and try to sneak someone in. He has yet to move his stuff from the basement, so this is his excuse for not giving back the key. DH thinks I’m overreacting, but he also believed that when I told him SS20 was getting high, when I told him he is having his girlfriend over no matter what we say, and when I told him he doesn’t have control of his weed habit (he can’t save).

I can’t believe how ungrateful and screwed up SS20 is turning out. I just don’t like him at all at this point. Really hoping he will change, but don’t believe he will until he moves out and gets a taste of the real world.



Survivingstephell's picture

Life lessons are so hard! Boo boo.  I think it's great you are making him pay back the loan and if he wants it over quicker then sell the car.   Thinking back, I did a lot b$&@%# when  I was that age too.  Try to ignore that part and focus on his actions.  Use him as an example to younger one on how NOT to live life and take advantage of helpful people.   

The launching age is tough and made even tougher with the pandemic and economy.  Don't give up but encourage him to get creative in making his life happen.  It's not like he's the first to grow up.  It's a stage we all go through.   

I have 3 launched 20 somethings and honestly I don't how I lived through it and survived!  Lol.  They don't really listen to you so just shrug your shoulders, remind them of any rules / agreements they made and be totally incompetent in solving THEIR problems.  ( from therapy).  

Harry's picture

Maybe two plus's some exter WiFi cambers.  Easy to install  

SMto3's picture

I take it you mean cameras. DH installed one outside so let's see if he actually notifies me whether or not SS20 is listening to the house rules versus DH wanting to protect him and not tell me. 

tog redux's picture

You moved him out of the basement! Good for you. Did DH support that, or did you just go move his stuff?

Expect him to be a surly brat who tries to make you feel guilty. He's not going to like leaving, he had it good and he's afraid of being on his own. Ignore that stuff and proceed. Remember, you are doing this for you in the short-term, but it's good for him in the long-term.  But he isn't going to be happy about it.

SMto3's picture

But the kid still has not moved all of his stuff out. And yes, he he is trying to not show it but SS15 says he is unhappy