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Too good to be true?

dsp1978's picture

Im not gonna lie, Im happier than a pig in sh!t. Last week BM informed my boyfriend that she may be moving 300+ miles away with the 2 skids. This of course will change the eow & Wednesday schedule to something unknown at this time, BUT it is certainly going to be reduced time.
Now, dont get me wrong, I feel bad for my boyfriend, but I feel like I won the lottery not having those two around as much. I just hope that CS and things of that nature dont become a problem to the money hungry hooker BM.

On another note, this past weekend was our weekend ( and so is this weekend, due to some changing of schedules, Ugghh I might go insane)
The two girls were undoubtedly in true form. There are times I can tolerate, but this weekend was not happening. The little brats have no dicipline at home with BM, and when they come to our house we try to, but it they listen like a 99 year old with no hearing aid.
So anyway, we just recently moved into a new place. Brand new, new construction.
Nice. I like nice things, I work hard for them, I like to keep them that way,
Makes it kind of tough when you have the devils spawn running around with no respect for anything. They just dont care. Kicking doors, closets, hands on wals, running into things... its no big deal.
well as fed up as I was with things at the house, it only got worse when we went out to do a little shopping. They are so disrepectful to others in public. Running, screaming, fighting, running into things, and people etc. My boyfriend and I repeatedly told them to stop, behave, etc. When we got in the car I said to the both of them, " You two girls need to start acting like ladies and learn to have more respect for others in public". Boyfriend followed that up with telling them he was disappointed in the way they acted and he was tired of them not listening.
So we get home, and the oldest- (we'll call her Hoover since she CONSTANTLY is eating) goes inside. Whatever. My boyfriend, me and the youngest-(we'll call her Snivler-because you could make money if you bottled her damn whining) were in the garage. Snivler says, " Dad, Hoover is mad". He tells her that they werent listening and she can be mad if she wants to. Then Snivler says, " No, she is mad at XX-(me), because she tells us what to do and she isnt our Mom".
So we all go inside and my boyfriend tells them both he wats to talk with them.
He sits them down and tells them that I am an adult, I live here and this is my house too and that they have to listen and respect me just as they would him. He told them I am not their mother (thank GOD), but that I care about them and they have to treat me and what I say and my things with respect.
I let him talk and reiterated after he was done, that I am not their Mom, I wasnt trying to be, but that I did care about them and am only looking out for their well being.
It was so awesome he said something. I mean, I know I am the evil stepmom, I mean its obvious by the huge hairy wart on my chin, but that he said something to them to back me up made me feel so great.
WOOFRICKENHOO!! I couldnt even tell you how much I appreciated that.
Now after, its not like the Red Sea parted and they suddenly became angels, but they knew there was a. what they thought, new line there.

So Anyway, Im sure it was just a temporary moment of light, but it was nice nonetheless. And I am praying the new move actually happens, but we'll see. That woman changes her mind like underoos.

Lilly's picture

Your so funny, I enjoyed reading your story. Well hopefully all will work out, either they will move or they stay local, and learn to respect you.
Its great the BF set them straight. Good for him, thats a great start.

Our BM changes her mind every second, she will send us a email that she is moving, but never does. I think she just wants us to react.

As far as the house goes, Im the same way. I like things clean. I cant stand when the kids run their hands down the wall. Nothing wrong with making them wash it once in while, till they catch on.

ladybee2010's picture

I am an "evil stepmom" right there with you. Though, not according to stepdaughter, just according to her mom. :? Oh well, what can you do but smile and ignore.

I understand being glad they are moving. I felt terrible about it, but I did feel the same way when BM was moving a few years ago. It was like a weight was lifted off both of our shoulders. We did not have to deal with her crazy ways anymore and the EOW would go away. Long distance visitation is so much better than EOW!