Depressed :/
Starting to feel really depressed and angry. I'm sick of having no control over my own home and whose in it. In my last several blogs I've talked about SD17 fighting with her Mom and refusing to go back there leaving DH and I with her here 24/7. I hate her and pretty much spend my normal life avoiding her the weeks she's here so not even being able to leave with her here is weighing on me big time.
I was pissed to find out she is going over to BM's for Easter today AND her brother who works at a convenience store is going with his girlfriend! Like WTF??!!! Not taking this social distancing thing seriously at all. Then she's just gonna come back here and expose me who hasn't seen a single friend or family member in a month. Yeah.. F U SD and BM. DH told me he could tell her she has to stay there if she's going for Easter but honestly folks- it'll just explode into drama and then she'll end up not going and we will pay the price from all sides. Just can't win.
So yeah- I'm just feeling really depressed today. DH really needs to send her back to mommy's and we need to go back to our every 2 weeks or every other week until she turns 18 and graduates this June. Trying to understand from his side- hard to enforce custody swaps at her age and especially if BM isn't fighting for her to go there. It does look like we don't want her here. But come on- she has to know I dont like her and it's pretty clear the feeling is mutual. So let's not play stupid here. The fact she is staying tells me how irrelevant I am in this mix... she could care less.
Sorry for the long vent! Just needed to get it out. I hope everyone has a nice Easter.
- donewithdrama35's blog
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Then tell her she doesn't get
Then tell her she doesn't get to come back from bm's (after she's gone there) and lock your doors. Who cares if she throws a hissy fit? What's more important to you - your health or SD's tantrum?
What Winterglow said.
What Winterglow said.
There is no social distancing
There is no social distancing going on. If she goes to BM's she stays at BMs. Tantrum or no tantrum (from SD, BM or DH) It's time you threw a tantrum, your life may depend upon it.
Nope. She went... came back..
Nope. She went... came back... and I'm pissed off. PLUS- OSS best friend was there too! So 5 of them in a small house together. I stayed away from her and upstairs most of the night. You all are right- I'm going to snap and throw a great big tantrum before this is over. There are so many things I want to say and don't to keep the peace. I told DH this morning that yesterday is not happening again as long as she is here but what does it matter now- it's already done. I am so tired of feeling like my feelings don't matter and I am very angry about these morons not following the rules and doing whatever they want during this pandemic. Absolutely completely absurd.