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Kmommyof388's picture

Oh thank goodness! 

Dh said he will be bringing skid with him to the job. I guess the plan is that dh and his dad will work the site and my stepson will be with his grandpa's girlfriend doing fun things. I won 100$ on a scratch off I was thinking when i go to turn it in give it to dh so his dad' girlfriend can take skid to the zoo or something the poor kid is gonn be bored to death just hanging out with the old people 


ndc's picture

Do NOT provide your money for the skid to be entertained.  Keep it for your own expenses and your own children.  If your husband is concerned about his son having a good time, let HIM take care of paying for it.

secret's picture

Keep the money!

SS is Grandpa's GF's problem now.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Keep the money for yourself. It is your DH's responsibility (and BM's) to pay for his son. IF Grandpa/Grandpa's girlfriend want to spend money on SS, that's their choice.

queensway's picture

I think that giving this money away is a fine gesture but it is an unnecessary one. You won the money and you should keep it for yourself. Save it for a rainy day or treat yourself to something. I would not worry about the Grandparents.