She is at it again
So my last post was a small look at the crap I deal with when it comes to my (soon to be) mother in law. Sadly this week she has made it a point to rock the boat so to speak. First she informs me that the kids "REAL MOM" called her house the last time they were over and she talked to the youngest but didn't even ask to speak to the older child. Which she has made it a point to bring up and keep saying in front of said child. She wants my SD to hate her mother. She is always telling them how bad their mom is and how she did all these things before she abandoned them. And yes she did pack up and leave when they were 1 and 3 and has never looked back but because the kids were so young we knew they had no real memories of her so we agreed not to even talk about it to or in front of them anyways. MIL has other plans of course.
Apparently she (BM) just wanted to talk to FDH and did really call to speak to the children anyways but was put on the phone with SS instead. We have never said they cant talk to their mom we just don't push the idea on them and FDH will not give her his cell number because she calls purely to yell and fight with him and he doesnt want to live like that.
So after that tid bit of information was shared she also told me how she was headed to the court house that afternoon to refill out her guardianship papers because she does that once a year to be sure she keeps her temporary status. (And yes I am pushing FDH to have that put to a stop right now!)
She then showed up at my house unannounced the next day "just to see what I'm doing" and proceded to tell me that before I came into the picture FDH was dating his first sons mom again but that just didnt work out. Now I know that is not true for a fact because oldest SS19s mom got remarried when he was 2 and they have been together ever since. FDH had told me at one point his sister had joked that maybe he should try dating her again but it was just a joke as they do not get along well enough to be together.
Then today while I am on the phone with my bank MIL starts calling and calling. I'm not answering because I had been on hold for 20 minutes and had finally gotten a real person on the phone and wasn't hanging up! So she leaves me a voice mail telling me she is coming by to get car seats and to have the kids clothes ready because FDH told her she could pick the kids up and keep them at her house again. Which really means she waited til he got to work and was busy to call and brow beat him into giving her what she wanted. When I didn't answer the phone however she just showed up again expecting me to do what she wanted. Instead of having a fit I put the kids clothes in a bag and informed her FDH and I would be having a conversation about this again.
Not the answer she wanted but of course she got her way like always. I have no idea how to make this man understand that he is going to have to grow a back bone and stand up to his mother. We don't need her to babysit seeing as how the kids are in school and if we both have to work on the weekend my job is so flexable that I am completely allowed to take them with me. It does mean its more time consuming but it keeps them from going to grandmas.
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I'm going to be blunt and ask
I'm going to be blunt and ask why you think it's a good idea to marry into this crazy? I mean, it's like an onion with multiple layers of deal breaking problems and a whole row of red flags flapping in the breeze. Relationships aren't supposed to be so hard, so where are your standards?
You should require your BF to get his issues sorted before you marry him. That means he gets legal and physical custody of his children, gets a c.s. order for BM (because it's not your responsibility to raise or support his kids), and puts his hostile, toxic mother in her place. A wedding symbolizes a beautiful beginning, but this guy has a ton of unresolved carp that's impacting you. Don't be okay with that.
Your BF's mother sounds mental. You shouldn't have to even speak with her, and your BF should protect you from her...which calls for uber strong boundaries...which your BF can't implement until he gets custody sorted...
Please, please don't marry this guy unless and until he's done what needs doing. He should want to do whatever it takes to lay a foundation for a successful marrange to you.
As someone with an overbearing MIL...
I will echo the sentiment that you need to work with your FDH prior to the marriage to figure out how to establish some boundaries with his MIL. My advice is couples counseling, because this will drive you crazy.
Right now, I deal with MIL by being nice to her face and avoiding excessive contact with her. DH - who used to just give in to his mother like your FDH - just ignores her almost entirely. DH and his siblings all have a dysfunctional relationship with overbearing MIL. They are happy to take her up on her boundary-busting behavior when it suits them. For example, before he met me, DH relied a lot on his mother to help with the kids. He always assumed she would help, which she did, but then she would act like she was a parent and entitled to the same rights as a parent in terms of seeing SSs, deciding what activities they should participate in (she would sign them up and then tell DH how much he needed to pay), deciding to schedule family gatherings when it wasn't DH's weekend and then just assuming DH would make offer the necessary favors to BM in order to make it happen. She also started to tell me what I should be doing with the kids and how much money DH and I should spend on the kids. It's caused major problems for DH and I...problems that have driven a huge wedge between me and DH because I resent his family who is unwelcoming and overbearing and that makes him feel bad, because they are his family and he is either unable or unwilling to see their dysfunction. His brother and sister also love to take MIL up on her offers of help when it suits them, but then get angry at her when she oversteps. It's a whole web of dysfunction that I was not prepared for and now I'm in the middle. You need to have a long, difficult discussion with your FDH about the role he plays in creating this dynamic with his mother and develop clear, consistent strategies to remove that dynamic from your future life. Otherwise, MIL won't change and she will also be trying to interlope on your life, not just on the life of your Skids. She sees a weakness in the fact that your FDH won't stand up to her and that you, as the soon-to-be-SM don't yet have the social capital to put her in her place, but she will try to do the same thing once you are married.
were the youngest kids given over to your 2b-MIL instead of to Dad is the first place? Unusual. Sure temporary, but seven years is a long temporary.
I'm going to bet 2b-MIL has done a huge share of raising these kids in those seven years. Then you walk in 18months ago and 8 months ago move in with Dad and kids are calling you Mom. I'm not saying that's necessarily a 'bad' thing, but these kids should have never been left to Grandma in the first place. I know, can't undo what's in the past, but it seems Dad is still letting his mother be 'mother' or at least until you squeal and stomp your foot.
You need to stop acting like this woman is the big bad enemy. Your 2bDH put her in the spot she's in and it's only natural the woman is putting all the blame on you. After-all, her son let her raise the kids and rule the roost. This situation pops up here every now and then. Where the biological father has let his mother have way too much power and control of his kids... right up to the point where the new Gf/SO walks in and objects. Then the new SO/GF wonders why the Grandma has troubles adjusting. *sigh*
It shouldn't be you pushing to stop the 'temporary' guardianship, you shouldn't have to 'push' him on it at all. It should have been done long ago and it should have happened long before your arrival. Can I ask why your 2bDH never had a relationship with your joint 15yr old? I'll assume he paid child support, but why did child and father not see each other and perhaps would not have even now if you had not reconnected with him 18mos ago? Honestly, 2b-MIL may be afraid you will take these two youngest (your 2b-skids) and push her out of their life. She's had a big role in their lives.
Not judging, just pointing out that there is a lot of possibles going on in 2b-MIL's head and she's not just being a b*tch but has genuine fears and concerns. Instead of addressing them with her (your 2b-Dh) you're fighting with her. It's probably time your 2b-DH sits down with her and talks and that he shows his mother he is serious about being a father, doing the parenting (not dumping it on you) and that he's feels now is the time to get the appropriate court/custody stuff done.
Set monthly routine Grandma/grandkids/stepgrandkids time (maybe one overnight EOW). Grandma gets her kid-time and you and adults in-DH get a date night. Too bad you just bought a house a couple months ago, because I'd tell you to buy one over a couple towns over and put a bit of distance between households. Dad needs to make it very clear to his mother that regardless of what she thinks or what opinions she holds, she is absolutely not to speak ill of any of the adults in front of the children. Not dad, not you, not BM... she keeps her two cents to herself. She's not doing these kids any favors by jaw jacking crap in front of (or possible earshot) of any of the children. It will not be tolerated. Poor behavior on her part will have consequences.
From what I have seen BM
From what I have seen BM signed over her rights to the children to MIL. That's where her guardianship came into place. And FDH has never let her raise his children. They have never lived with her or been in her custody. She has babysat for him and been paid for it. And as any grandmother would want as the children got older she wanted them to spend the night with her and what not. As a single father I know if he had to work and something fun was going on she would sometimes take them to things.
As for my son... FDH over came a drug addiction between my sons birth and the younger childrens birth so he was in no place to have a meaning relationship with my son for many years and I had moved out of state and he did not know how to find me. It was only after I moved back to my home town that we reconnected.
I will agree with you that some new boundaries need to be set in place and the no bad mouthing parents/adults in general needs to be told to her yet again. She has no filter and does not see any issue with sayingg exactly what's on her mind at all times.