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xmas presents

Raggles's picture

SO noticed today that there wasnt a christmas present for SD21 or SD18 from my daughter or I.
He asked why not...
I gave him my 3 reasons and told him he could pick one of them or preferrably all 3 as to why there wasnt any presents.
Funny how he didnt talk to me for nearly an hour and when he did he changed the subject!!


notasm3's picture

I bought Christmas presents for SS30 and his GF. (really cute and appropriate but one was $25 and the other came from my "gift box"). I handled it as I did not want DH handing SS money or buying something ridiculously expensive.

DH came back from delivering presents last night with a nice gift (opened) for him. Nothing of course for me. Not that I expected or wanted anything. I did not say a word to DH - but he started volunteering excuses.

SS told DH that when the baby arrived early (5 weeks) he decided to "cancel Christmas" and took all the presents they'd bought back for money. Sure - like they'd ever bought me anything.

Plus having the baby born before the end of the year will save them money on taxes. The GF works for an insurance company and has super duper coverage including being paid while she is out on leave.

SS kind of complained about getting clothes for the new baby from us - he said they had more outfits up to age 6 months than the kid could ever wear. Which I believe - that's why the cute little outfits we bought were for ages 12-18 months.