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need to get it off ny chest

Raggles's picture

Sd 2o turned up xmas eve and stayed night and popped back after work xmas day for dinner. We have a strained relationship as she claims she cant live with me... Tried for a week before moving out.... Fine by me!
Anyway she was pleasant, polite and joined in with family life while here. I was pleased for my other half that all 4 of his children were here xmas day.
Today she came to collect 2 of her sisters as they had been invited out for dinner with their maternal uncle.
What annoyed me was that she came into my house, spoke to everyone except me. Not even a hello. No acknowledgement at all. Used her sisters hairdryer and straightners had chat with her dad and then left.
Where is the manners and respect of at least a hello?
Next time she graces us with her presence im going to be right in her face. Im sick of this attitude. Ive not said a word to my other half as he blames me for her moving out. But im pissed he doesnt see the lack of respect she gives. He was singing her praises of how well she mingled at xmas even though i pointed out it was all for effect and she only visited as she wanted presents. At least she stayed longer at our house than her mothers. She only managed an hour and half there! She is going to be one very lonely grown up at this rate if her attitude continues.


Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

I'd just let it go. Give her the same treatment back. Don't do a damn thing for her.

Totalybogus's picture

I'm with you Raggles. They are the product of very poor parenting. They obviously do not respect their parent very much either. If my kids ever treated ANY adult like that they would surely suffer dire consequences for embarrassing ME, and they know it.

Raggles's picture

I do generally ignore her but will always.make a point of saying hello or good morning. I just think its damn rude to go into anyones house and not speak to the adults that live there!