Thanks, skid's school! :)
For starting your school year so early. 24 days until I get a break from SD6 until...wait for!
Her maternal half sister was in town last week, staying with a great aunt, and they took SD6 for 4th of July weekend. It reminded me of what my life is like when she's not here and made me look forward to the end of this month even more. Everyone was less stressed all around. It was pretty great.
When she returned, she tried to give BD2 a kiss. Unfortunately, BD2 appreciates personal space encroachment about as much as a red winged blackbird and ended up smacking her. Oi. Hadn't seen her big sister in 3 days and smacks her when she goes in for a kiss. Lol! Had to tell her "don't hit your sister," and I thought it was hard to keep a straight face, but then BD2 grabbed SD6s coat and shoes and handed it to her and said byebye.
I about died.
Anyway. Talked to DH about the Disney dad shit he pulled last week. As it turns out, he did sit her down and have a talk with her after we got home. It's better than nothing and that shit has honestly improved since. Oh, except her birthday. Haha. Hahahaha. Omg she was such a brat on her birthday. At one point even my MIL was getting on DH for giving SD6 marshmallows before dinner. He said "she keeps coming and asking for them." MIL said "there's a word for that! N-O!"
I like her.
I like how she's picking up SD6 and keeping her overnight tonight. I like that she'll be here in two hours. I like that my mom is picking up BD2 and keeping her overnight tonight. I like that DH gets to join me in celebrating my birthday this year and I like that my period came last week instead of this week like it was supposed to.
- microstep's blog
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Have a wonderful birthday!
Have a wonderful birthday!
I adore your DD for her little "byebye", that's too damn cute! I couldn't have kept a straight face.
Happy Happy Birthday to
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!
Thanks everyone we had a
Thanks everyone
we had a blast! So did the kids!
And that being positive thing? It's forced. Sometimes I think it's lame, but it does make my life a lot easier. Faking it and, in turn, making it. Or something.