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microstep's Blog

Oh, grandma.

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She used to tell me that there was an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other.

I'm not religious in any shape of the word but I feel like the "devil" shoulder is saying omfg I can't deal with this child for any longer, and the "angel" shoulder is saying, shit, girl, go look at your event countdown app! 16 days! You can do this!

16 days... 16 more days... I can do this. And perhaps even with an ounce of sanity remaining at the end.

Thanks, skid's school! :)

microstep's picture

For starting your school year so early. 24 days until I get a break from SD6 until...wait for!

Her maternal half sister was in town last week, staying with a great aunt, and they took SD6 for 4th of July weekend. It reminded me of what my life is like when she's not here and made me look forward to the end of this month even more. Everyone was less stressed all around. It was pretty great.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't

microstep's picture

I'm preaching to the choir on this one, but...

Arg. I dread DHs days off. I thought it was because of him and SD combined, but SD is fine when he's not there (usually). It's him.

Why did I have to realize this in the checkout line at wal mart? 80% because we chose the end of a long day of him scolding her over the same things to go. 20% because I've been working really hard to build up my bullshit tolerance to last all summer and then he had to undermine me in public. Not that anyone gives a shit what other people are doing in public (I sure don't), but ..