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I literally have nightmares about Step-Hell

worst_stepmom_ever's picture

I feel like it's Game of Thrones... "Winter is coming" LOL. But seriously, it's like I'm physically and mentally trying to brace myself for being thrown back in the fire of having to deal with SD4/BM/DH dynamic. I WANT to think that magically SD's behavior has improved. I mean, she is four after all.

But on the other hand, I think of how she was violent and aggressive, the nonstop screaming for hours... not to mention having to deal with her BPD BM, and I just get depressed/anxious. I have nightmares about dealing with the situation and nightmares about DH leaving over it.

I e-mailed DH with the idea of converting our guest bedroom into a studio/game room for me. Kind of a sanctuary that I could escape to when things get too crazy without me having to leave the house. DH can't stand to be in the room since that's where a lot of BM's abuse occurred. He would stay in there to get away from her and she would randomly bust in screaming and attack him while he was sleeping. We don't have guests over often and it just seems like a wasted space right now, which is extra absurd since we live in a cramped tiny townhouse.


worst_stepmom_ever's picture

Haha, I'd love to sell the house and move but BM's name is still on it! BM has refused to execute the paperwork even though DH got the house in the divorce, and with him being overseas, we haven't been able to go to court to enforce the decree. Hopefully soon. SD4's "tantrums" are beyond anything I've ever seen either with my DD or with the kids I've worked with (I sub for Junior Kindergarten sometimes). My dad literally, 100% believes that she is demon-possessed. Her preschool wanted her to see the school psychologist but BM refused to consent.