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My new home... the couch.

worst_stepmom_ever's picture

I have my new home here on the couch. I've been spending more and more nights out here lately since I can't deal with DH's complete lack of trying anymore. I am still going through the motions making an effort with him and SD but I am also planning an exit strategy and considering a move over the summer once DD is out of school and at her dad's if things continue like they have been.

In SD news, she's being evaluated (finally) after her school and I have both insisted that there is something clearly wrong with her. I think she has a diagnosable disorder but that it is 90% the way she is "parented" and constantly coddled by both DH and BM. I would be SO mortified if my child acted the way SD does.

I'm torn. Part of me has one foot out the door and is looking forward to a life free of BMs, SKs, and thoughtless DHs. On the other hand, tonight randomly when I went back into the bedroom to grab the charger for my cell phone, DH apologized. Not an "I'm sorry but you..." but an "I'm sorry, I was completely out of line, I'm going to do better."

That was a first. Instead of rolling my eyes and being a bitch about it (which was my gut reaction) I stopped by the bed, gave DH a kiss goodnight on the forehead, and said I was looking forward to it.


misSTEP's picture

Sorry that you are feeling so conflicted.

For the record, HE is the one who should be sleeping on the couch, IMHO.