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Help me understand

step off already's picture

Over the weekend, we allowed BM's sister to stay the night at our home after attending a memorial. This is the sister that has always tried to maintain contact with SS14 after BM took off when he was 5.

So the entire weekend, SS hemmed and hawed every time DH would tell him to spend time with his aunt: play a game, go talk with her, take a walk, go be with her. FFS, she's not here to chat with me and I don't really care to spend the day with her but I digress. She's a nice enough young woman.

So he gives her tons of attitude while she's here. Typical.

When we were at the memorial (for BM's uncle), BM calls SS because it's her court ordered time. He tells her where he is and asks if she wants to speak with her sisters (note BM only lives a few miles away from the funeral house). Of course she does not because, "everyone in the family is against her".

Anyway, last night SS had his call with his mom. THey talked for a super long time. I assumed BM was getting details from SS regarding his aunts coming over and his one aunt staying over. Nope. She just jabbered the entire time, didn't ask him a single question.

Then Aunt calls and wants to talk with SS. Apparently he cried on the phone to her because his life is such a mess.

I just don't get it. Treats her like shit when she's here and then pours his heart out now that she's gone.


ChiefGrownup's picture

Gave his aunt attitude? Oh. Hell. No. Especially one that was kind enough to try to make up for some of her sister's failings.

She must have done of a helluva job loving him in spite of the attitude and the craziness in his life for him to open up to her like that on the phone.

Dad needs to do a better job of teaching that kid kindness. Don't squander it when it comes your way. And certainly not in my house.

step off already's picture

Oh trust me. This kid gets scolded for his attitude almost hourly.

He currently has all his goodies taken away and probably has three outfits in his room and one pair of shoes. He was told WEEKS ago that he could earn it back bit by bit by displaying good behavior, but he's just an angry kid.

Counseling isn't helping much and we're looking for an anger management group for him.

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yup. I've got the girl version of that. Parents should have started a long time ago teaching these kids how to manage their emotions.