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O/T Co-worker Would Have Made A Great Psycho BM!

thinkthrice's picture

Some things she said today:

1. "Kyle and I were just fine and worked together well until he got remarried" (implying that Kyle "changed" when he got remarried, i.e. didn't do her bidding)

2. "I don't know why YOUR workload is so much lighter than mine and the Sloth's. Is that because they are getting ready to promote you? No offense to you." (actuallly I'm EFFICIENT at my job and that makes the difference)

3. "Everyone thinks that new manager is awful"

4. "Everyone in the handsome men in uniform dept. LOVE ME! (Insert name of one handsome man in uniform) says that I'll ALWAYS be HIS support no matter what!"

5. "Everyone in this office MUST HATE me!" (meaning everyone other than the handsome men in uniform dept--which I'm told by the new manager don't think that co-worker is all she's cracked up to be)

6. "The Handsome Men in Uniform Dept are my FAMILY!" (she keeps all their birthdays and sends them Christmas cards and birthday greetings--insert eyeroll)


ChiefGrownup's picture

Love the line about she got along with xh until he got remarried. Yeah, lady, him fetching and carrying for you at all times was "getting along." Sure.