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Looks like DH's sister is as delusional as BM

fedupstep's picture

DH's family is not close. Actually, that is an understatement. They put the 'fun' in 'dysfunction'.

BM refused to let us have SD16 for (Canadian) Thanksgiving this weekend...but ok'd a visit with DH's sister for the same weekend. Just one of the little games she plays with us. DH's sister invited us to dinner sunday night. This is the first holiday invite from ANY of his family in years. I begrudging changed our plans with my family to go.

We arrive at DH's sister's house. SD16 and her aunt are working on a picture college. Before we got close enough to see the pictures, I ask them what the pictures are. SD16 replies with a smile, 'my family'. All BM and her stepdad. Nothing of her father or me (which I don't give two shits about but don't exclude DH). For the next hour we sit there practically ignored while they sort through about 50 pictures of her 'family'. DH's sister even asked DH to help her choice between two pictures of BM! DH, who doesn't exactly have the tact gene really restrained himself and just said either picture was fine.

Fast forward 3 hours to after dinner...DH has stepped outside for a smoke and SD has gone upstairs to 'brush her hair' AKA..text her new boyfriend. SIL says, 'FedUp, SD has told me that she and you aren't getting along too well these days.' I remain silent and continue to clear dishes. 'She might not be perfect but she is feeling disrespected by you.' I felt my blood pressure shoot up, but I took a breath before turning to her and saying. "SIL, perhaps she is feeling disrespected at my house because she has not shown me an ounce of respect over the last couple years. You do not live in my house. There are things you don't know. I will not be told how to co-parent by anyone other than your brother. End of discussion. Am I clear?"

SIL is not used to be talked to like that and the speechless look on her face was sooooo satisfying. DH came back in the room and saw my 'about to blow' face as he puts it. The rest of the evening was cooly polite. She did give me a hug as we left and said to me, 'we'll talk soon'. Oh yes SIL...we sure will....

We weren't even out of the driveway and DH said to me, 'Christmas at your family's this year?' Smile


Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Love you DH's response !!!

Don't you just love people who assume they know it all , when in fact they know shit. You might think you know what DF would do but since I am in the picture now ~ you have no clue.

Maybe it's time to open up that can of whoop ass on SIL. Clue her clueless ass on everything. Those lying little SD amaze me ~

fedupstep's picture

I plan to see her before Christmas and she and I will be having a little talk about her precious perfect niece. I know she will defend her, I expect that..but as long as I've put the bug in her ear I will be happy with that.

fedupstep's picture

There are 5 siblings in DH's family (parents are dead) and they barely talk. When they do it's always drama and fights. I have known my DH for almost 28 years and I have never met his oldest brother. They are a bunch of self entitled, braggers that don't give two shits about each other. It's sad.

kathc's picture

Glad your dh didn't expect you to suck it up.

What the hell with his sister helping sd make a "family collage" that excludes her brother!

fedupstep's picture

SIL kisses BM's ass so she can have time with SD16. I think she talks to her more than her own brother. I know it hurts him but he's usually silent about it.