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Another act if passiveness aggressiveness?

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

Felt everything went ok with the talk . Told dh I wanted to stay in different rooms until I moved out? He watched tv upstairs I watched it downstairs. All good. I come upstairs and he's lying in our bed and plans to stay here tonight. I would go into ss bed but he's a 12 year old boy that doesn't shower , just eugh. I didn't get into an argument that's what he wants so I've just said good night and rolled over. Very strange. Is it not the logical move after asking that we sleep apart that he would stay in his sons room rather than me? Maybe I should have addressed it I know but a friend of mine has just tommld me she's pregnant so this makes me irrational and I'd rather say nothing and just get through the next two to three weeks conflict free and peaceful before I move

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

It can. He just uploaded a picture of himself on his own on FB doing his "silty"pose. I'm not one to retaliate but I've just changed mine and added one of me just when I met dh and had done a sky dive and it was such an exciting moment in my life. He just leaned knee and tried and tried to turn the sound off on my phone, totally looking for a rise I calmly said "I'm not looking for a row it's never bothered you before" he said "I jugs wanted you to turn of off you fucking idiot you're just looking for a row". As if I would wate lol late my breath on such a "man"

Just me in a big pool of fish's picture

But there ain't no way In hell I'm sleeping in that kids bed yuck . Sheets haven't been changed in weeks and weeks since I stopped looking after it

OrangeUGlad's picture

Well, you can certainly change the sheets in order to make it comfortable for yourself.

I stayed in the home for one month after announcing to my first husband that I was leaving. It was awkward to say the least lol!

If he refuses to leave the bed, sleep in the ss's room (change the sheets for yourself!! buy a plastic cover. whatever) or sleep on the couch.

Don't look at his facebook page and don't play into the games yourself by posting things to get a rise out of him.

Orange County Ca's picture

Hell yes if you said you wanted to leave me I'd not move from the bed. You want out then get out and leave my sleeping arrangements alone. This is your party. What the hell do you expect? It's exactly what you would tell him if the facts were reversed. Talking about eating cake and having it too.

That's not to say I'm saying you shouldn't leave. You have to. Now find a long term motel, Suite 6 is inexpensive and others are available from about fifty bucks on up. They have kitchens and kitchen/dining supplies for a temporary stay. Stay in a regular motel/hotel and eat out.

Just take enough stuff to last a week and start looking for a permanent place.

Orange County Ca's picture

Hell yes if you said you wanted to leave me I'd not move from the bed. You want out then get out and leave my sleeping arrangements alone. This is your party. What the hell do you expect? Talk about eating your cake and having it too.

That's not to say I'm saying you shouldn't leave. You have to. Now find a long term motel, Suite 6 is inexpensive and others are available from about fifty bucks on up. They have kitchens and kitchen/dining supplies for a temporary stay. Stay at a regular motel/hotel and eat out.

Just take enough stuff to last a week and start looking for a permanent place.

IslandGal's picture

On one hand, I feel you should suck it up because you're the one that wants to leave, therefore, if he refuses to leave the marial bed, I would sleep in the lounge. He could be considerate and leave you with the marital bed if he wanted, but if he's bitter and angry, that won't happen.

You should also try and get out as soon as possible - save your sanity. Even if you have to book into a refuge or sleep on a relo's couch - anything rather than living in that horrible situation.