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Finally a Father's Day for DH

fedupstep's picture

DH has not had a Father's Day weekend with sd15 in 10 years. She has chosen to be 'busy' with BM and stepdad every year and BM will never force a visit. On our last visit with her she overheard me talking about the dinner we were planning for my dad with my brother and his family. She asked when it was. I told her on Father's Day and that she was welcome to come. She just walked out of room without saying a word.

Fast forward to the Friday before Father's Day. DH receives a call from SD15 (the first one in almost 2 weeks). She said she wants to spend Father's Day with DH this year. Just her and him. Only in her city. (2 hours away from the planned dinner). DH has her on speaker phone and she doesn't know I'm in the room. DH looks at me with a 'what the hell do I do?' look and I just nod to him as to say, 'yes, go with her'. DH happily says yes. There's a pause before SD15 says, 'Don't you have plans that day? Won't fedupstep be mad?' I shake my head and keep silent and DH tells her it will be fine. She almost seems shocked by his reply, repeating a couple times, 'are you sure fedupstep won't be mad? Won't she want you to go with her?'

If I didn't know better I would think she was only offering to see her dad because she knew it would wreck our plans. Sorry SD15...I went to my dinner and your dad spent the day with you.(albeit no card or anything from her) I will never tell DH what I'm sure she tried to do because he just got home and is so damn happy to have that extra time with her.


fedupstep's picture

I decided to play her game a little bit...just sent her a text 'Thanks for spending Father's Day with your dad with year SD15! He was so happy to have that extra time with you! Hopefully next year you can join us for dinner. :)'

Game. Set. Match.

Most Evil's picture

Ha!!! Where I am from we call that a 'left handed invitation'!! When they don't really want you to come.

Sd should know better than to try to play with the big girls :evil:

avispa's picture

My wife spent Father's Day buying gifts for her dad and buying dinner for him. My step-son spent the day with his father. I do more than both of them combined and it is like I don't exist. This is artificial. I regret not being a real dad with all my heart.

IslandGal's picture

"Fast forward to the Friday before Father's Day. DH receives a call from SD15 (the first one in almost 2 weeks). She said she wants to spend Father's Day with DH this year. Just her and him. Only in her city"..

...seriously?? SD13 in our case hasn't visited since last year. She has been a total shit with her Dad, acting like he jilted her (when he moved in with me) and demanding him to crawl up her ass to beg her forgiveness. The day she calls and tries to pull this shit with him (spend Father Day with just.her.and.him).. I would expect him to laugh in her face and hang up. I would NEVER accept it - because in him doing so, would mean that he would be rewarding her disgusting behaviour. It is not a lesson I would like SS (who has continuously visited and gets along with everyone) to learn, nor one that I would have my own BS's learning.

She will never be allowed to do that - ever. To come back to our family, she must first show genuine remorse, and a sincere apology for her past behaviour. Until that happens, she will never, ever be allowed to return to our home.