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I don't this weekend could have gone any worse...

fedupstep's picture posted in my last blog, SD16 atrocious behaviour this past weekend ruined any chance of a peaceful father's day for DH. She arrived and left friday night after a lovely temper tantrum. Then asked DH to drive the hour to BM's house for lunch on Father's Day (which he would pay for of course). DH declined.

He said he would see how long it would take for her to call/text him. He caved the next day (sunday) and texted her. "I miss you". Her response? "Sorry dad, busy right now, talk soon". NOT EVEN A HAPPY FATHER'S DAY.

I'm so sad that DH is feeling rejected by his daughter. But at the same time, it's about freakin' time he opened his eyes and stopped being in denial about how truly horrid this child can be when she doesn't get her way.

Oh, and the father's day card she made for says, 'even though you make me crazy I will always be daddy's little girl'. :sick:

Dh hasn't opened his gift yet and said it will sit there unopened for a while.