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Are we wrong to drop insurance for SD that refuses to talk to us?

sickofitall's picture

Ive never started a topic just comment here and there. So Ill try to stick to the facts because its
been over 15 years of crap and misery.

DH has a child with Satan basically. SD is now 21 and they divorced in a state where she is not emancipated until 22, Lucky right? I met DH when SD was 3. They had been divorced since SD was 18 months. A little background- BM cheated throughout their marriage and it was well known in his whole family but DH wouldnt consider divorce because his family doesnt believe in it and was always trying to please impossible MIL. There was no sex for last 3 years of marriage then she decides randomly to come home and throw herself at DH after 3 years. Magically she gets pregant and the baby is 7 pounds but a month early. :? Stupid ass DH had always wanted kids but she told him she couldnt have any from a car accident she had. :? So he never found out if SD was his because he "didnt want to know". He just wanted SD. BM proceeded to marry DHs best friend and divorce him later on too.

Fast forward through the next 18 years of stress, police reports, game playing and high conflict. BM
trying to attack me when I was 8 months pregnant, BM calling the house over and over to fight, driving past the house all the time, showing up at my family functions, making
us bust to get SD for visitation. She wouldnt give SD to DH once so after waiting 20 mins he went to the door and banged on it. She called the cops and said he was threatening her. AFter the cops came
and met her they realized she was nuts and he got SD through police but BM asked the police to give DH cupcakes
that her and SD made. SO the cops gave them to my DH and were laughing their asses off because well basically shes nuts. I never ate anything she made. Im not thst stupid. Just one of a million stories really.

Anyway we fought through all this and tried to do the right thing with SD but there is severe PASing and brainwashing from BM. Always had visitation and tried to take SD extra but always got an argument.We moved a couple hours away from SD was 15 and saw hwe much more with no interruptions from BM which made BM even angrier. BM is diagnosed as Borderline personality and Narcasistic.

Sd totally turned on us and our 2 children very suddenly. We were always number 2 after Queen Mommy but she completely changed history and swears we never cared about her at all. Whatever.

I had a feeling my SD was- Ill just say having a personal identity crisis. I dont want to say too much on here because I dont trust them not to find all this- for years for a lot of little reasons but figured if I was right then what she does is her business. When SD finally realized BM went crazy threw her out of the house and was hitting her. We spoke to SD and said whatever makes you happy is ok with us and we
offered to have her move in as she was staying with a relative from BMs side. DH called BM and told her what was going on and that we would be going to court over this and magically she accepted SD to get SD back in the house. SDs story when she wrote on Facebook about it is that BM had a hard time at first with it but came around very quickly and theyre closer than ever. :sick: She never mentioned that we accepted her immediately-why wouldnt we? and has actually called us names and has told DHs family we are not supportive? WTF? We totally were supportive but its like they change history and actually believe it.

Money is a huge motivator for BM btw. Dh has been paying since SD is 18 monthe and we are finaaly almost done .&7 months to go :). Anyway SD now hates us for reasons she cant even tell us when confronted and has
turned DHs family against us as well. My heart is broken for my children because they had a ton of
cousins that they miss but a lot of those cousins have turned against my kids also. Theres way too much more to go into but now my question.

We are able to keep SD on out insurance until 26 or even longer in our state if we wanted to. BM had texted my DH to start shit (still after 18 years!) and he told her he is dropping SD when she is emancipated. BM flipped and said that by law we cant. DH spoke to a lawyer and they told him you are allowed to keep
her on under Obamas new law but he cant be forced and she cant take him to court for it.This is not a mandatory rule. It is something you can do if you want to. Shes emancipated in 7 months from everything!!! BM told DH that SD will never speak to him again if he does it and he told her well then I wont really notice a difference will I ? Its been over a year since SD spoke to him and before that it had been strained for a few years. Bm got a new BF a few years ago and she considered him the best and calls him not Dad but another form of Dad but has called me her fathers wife for years when describing me.

Also they have abused the hell out of the insurance and leave us with 60 to 80 in copays at times
that they refuse to pay which pisses me off. We cant get our medications until the bill is cleared
up so I have to pay it.

Maybe we were horiible all those years but I just dont see it. We just kept moving forward and kept trying to see SD when we were allowed and kept our mouths shut. We figured if we took the high road SD would see we didnt bad mouth BM or call their house to argue. That didnt work out though. I guess the squeaky wheel gets the oil. LOL

I should also say me and DH have always been kind of "doormat" people. Im trying really hard to change that though. We are very non confrontational people but BM and DHs family are loud always yelling and always confronting over everything.

So what would you guys do? Honest opinions. I can take it. Keep her on or drop her and let SD get her own insurance? Sd has never even had a pt job btw and BM hasnt worked in 3 years. They live off BMs bf.

sickofitall's picture

Thanks so much!! My SD has inherited what I call the bullshit gene from her BM. Everybody and I mean
everybosy thinks she is the sweetest most lovable person that helps everyone and cares about everyone.

My SD will bake and bring things to my inlaws just like BM did years ago. But SD fought with
my SD last year through text and told my BD that she uses her illness for sympathy! My BD has a very
serious chronic disease that tank god is in remission and SD said that and nobody believed DH! SD would never say that they said!!

UGH. Well thank you I think I needed to hear from one person that we werent crazy and vindictive!

Frustr8d1's picture

Drop her! Cancel it! If BM is borderline personality, there's a good chance SD is too. From my experience with borderlines, there's no way to help them. The only thing you can do is save yourself and stay far away from them. Don't give SD the option of leaching off you in her adulthood. It won't stop there. She will always want more and will threaten to hate you and not talk to you if you don't give in. Her requests for favors from you will never end if you give her an opening.

Calypso1977's picture

i personally think the law allowing kids to stay on until 26 is ludicrous.

id drop her as soon as you are able to do so under the CO. her mother can put her on her plan or she can find something through the connector.

we plan to kick SD off as soon as possible, and once we marry BM gets kicked off.

Jsmom's picture

Drop her ass...I am disgusted you couldn't do it at 18. BM can cover her if she wants. No relationship, you get no benefits from me...Very easy.

sickofitall's picture

She is more than capable. BM has only worked part time since her and DH divorced in the early 90s. She now hasnt worked at all since 2011.She always found some idiot to take care of her but 3 years for each relationship is usually the limit. I guess she cant keep her best foot forward for longer than that. SD loves loves loves any man her mother is with. They become Dad to her and DH is crap. When they break up then the bs starts that DH needs to spend more
time with SD or he doesnt care. And my DH always has guilt like he didnt do enough. I always told him we did the best we could with the BM we were given. Unfortunately DHs family fell for their crap too and I think that hurts DH even more.

As far as SD she doesnt work, doesnt drive. Never held a job. Would get mad when DH told her she
needs to work for things. SHe begs on Facebook for stuff and people give it because "shes so sweet" and such a good person and "been through so much" :sick:

She is on a free ride to college and goes 2 days a week and does the rest with homestudy and whines
she cant get her work done in time! Honestly the scholarship was more kissing up. SD missed over
50 days of school each year junior and senior year and was allowed to make everything up at home.They were very tight with the counselors and teachers. SD had a lot of "problems"-they tell people DH
abandoned her-poor me stuff. Somehow she made up her work and got a scholarship-Ill never understand how my kids have to get up at 6am, everyday and go to school and probably wont get much help and she slept in and got away with making up all her work and got a free ride. No sports either.

We always saw her and bought her things, took her on vacations when we
went. She denies it all now.They even tell people DH is a deadbeat after paying so far 19 years of child support at 900 a month! And we get complaints that we wont pay for Sd's books either.

SD also leeches on to anyone we know or ever knew just like SD. We live out of state and she met a friend of mine one time years ago. She friended her on Facebook and talks to her and my friend is like why is she doing this? They have gone to funerals for people my DH went to school with that BM
didnt even know! I swear I could write a book. Im really starting to think this is all mental illness not just vindictive ex stuff.

I think Frustrated is right and that SD might be BPD. I never really thought about it. Its the only thing that makes sense.

Thanks and good luck to all of you that you dont wind up like me and my DH. Try to do the right thing and screwed over anyway. LOL

sickofitall's picture

I was just talking to my mother about all this and she just said that I should show him this
whole thread. So I will. I dont think there is anybody we have ever known that has agreed with us about SD. There have been some friends over the years and even some of DHs family that tried to be fair and not take a side and just be neutral but somehow BM and SD have called, brought gifts, facebook friended anybody we have ever been friendly with to tell
them what a deadbeat father DH is and how I only care about my kids. They always start out not
believing SD and BM but somehow they are always able to manipulate and twist things.

I am defiantely showing DH this tonight because I am afraid SD will start trying to make contact
right before she is of age and manipulate him into keeping her on. He is always feeling so guilty
for things he has never had any control over.

bug3211's picture

If it doesn't cost any extra to keep her on then I would keep her on the insurance. Make her responsible for copays. You never know when something catastrophic will happen. My oldest came down with type 1 juvenile diabetes and needed insulin at age 21. I shudder to think what would have happened to him without insurance. No matter how she has treated her dad I doubt your DH would want to sit by while something catastrophic was happening to her and let her die. This is life and death and health insurance isn't the tool to try and teach someone a lesson. Cut her off financially in all other ways, but keep the health insurance. It is the morally right thing to do.

sickofitall's picture

Thats always been why we waver because we are not cruel people.But there is no way to make them pay copays. We have been paying all prescriptions because they will not pay at all. We have mandatory mail order prescriptions and if SD and BM leave unpaid copays I cant order my DDs medicine for a chronic
disease. The insurance company will not bill separately because I tried that too.

Honestly though my SD doesnt care if were alive or dead so Im not sure if we can keep supporting her.
I didnt think of it as teaching her a lesson. She cut us off completely and well at 22 either her
or her mom can figure it out now. Weve done it for 19 years.

With Obamacare I dont see her dying from anything. They may just have to pay for a plan to cover her.

Thanks for the opposing opinion though. I understand what you are trying to say.

bug3211's picture

Well if they won't pay copays I can see why you'd cut them off. When my oldest got diabetes at age 21 he was responsible for buying his own insulin pump the $1200 that insurance wouldn't pay. My youngest paid his own ER bill that insurance wouldn't cover and he was only 19. Since he was over 18 the bill came in his name. I would give them a warning. You pay your copays or we will cut you off. If you do that then they will have no one to blame but themselves.

Calypso1977's picture

back in my day (and probably many of yours) my insurance ended at 21 when i graduated college, 19 if i didnt go. i CLEARLY remember my mom and dad sitting me down saying in 6 months your health insurance ends. you need to find a job for yourself because you are going to need this insurance.

i then went out and got myself a job and got insurance. i did have to go without dental for 4 years but i had my medical.

these kids can get insurance even if its high deductible insurance with low premium for the sole purpose of being covered in the event of a catastrophic event. the parents just need to kick their kids in the ass and make them do it. force them to choose between paying for a useless and unnecessary iphone or their HEALTH.

soemthign tells me the result will be the same whether they kick her off now or at 26. at 26 she will be forced off by the company, nto her parents. but she will still be without. no one wants to see their kid suffer, btu you also cant handhold them forever.

i see parents in my office on a regular basis fretting abotu their kids health insurance. its the ADULT child's problem, not theirs. funny thing is, everyone one of them usually says something like "not sure why im worrying abotu this, at her age i had a mortgage/baby on the way/some other "grown up" scenario".

hereiam's picture

But there is no way to make them pay copays

I am surprised they are not made to pay them at the time of service. That's the way most doctor's offices are these days, at least where I live.

sickofitall's picture

This is prescriptions not dr copays. We pay half of dr copays when they mail them to us. Prescriptions
are mandatory mail order and I have spent hours on the phone explaining to different people our
situation. Theres nothing they can do. They send out a bill in the bag with the medicine. They will not separate the billing
so we cant order our meds until the older order is paid for. When DH told BM she told DH that he
should be ashamed to complain because we dont do anything extra for SD!

We pay 900 a month and when we had a relationship with her we did what we could extra for SD. When she asked for things if we could afford it we would buy it. If we couldnt there would be complaints that I probably spent money on DDs. But we were always shamed if mine and DHs children got something that SD didnt. And im talking minor stuff even after SD bragging about things she had.I explained to my kids from young that SD had BMs family and BM to buy her extra stuff. We just didnt have it. Still dont. We live paycheck to paycheck barely so SD's 60 or 80 dollars in copays hurt us.

We never treated SD any lesser than my DDs. We did everything as equal as possible. But it was not enough. BM always wanted SD treated better not the same because she still tries to tell DH she is your firstborn and should matter more. I dont want to be vindictive but I feel like theres got to be an end at some point.

hereiam's picture

Oh, I see.

Well then, if she cannot appreciate the insurance and pay her part, let her get her own. That's the only way people like her learn.

Your husband will be doing her a greater disservice by being at her beck and call. He should not feel guilty about making his daughter grow up and be responsible, that's a parent's job.