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Just venting- BMs life is falling apart-time to antagonize us

sickofitall's picture

SD21 is emancipated in 8 weeks. DH has considered removing her from insurance at that point. Sever PAS over the past 18 years and wants nothing to do with DH or her 2 sisters. BM has been in her latest relationship for about 3 years but does not work at all and has been depending on CS which is a nice chunk from 2 fathers.

I wrote that SD actually texted DH for his birthday- 1st contact in years. She had always ignored texts from DH before that and actually texted my child to say nasty things.DH wound up texting her back and thanked her for the birthday wish and that he loved her and always will and would love to have a relationship with her and explained how things got so bad and between everyone and basically said that he and her mother made a lot of mistakes over the years but that the main thing was that he loved her always will. He did also tell her he has no problem keeping her on insurance forever if she actually shows she wants a real relationship with him and not just for money and insurance.

Anyway she never responded but I heard that BM and boyfriend may have broke up. BM tames the crazy for awhile but cant really control it. I dont know if the contact between DH and his daughter prompted it or not but she goes off the wall when things dont go her way. SHe hated DH anywhere near SD. Except his money. Wants whatever man she is with to be Dad. ANd its worked over the years. SD has had at least 4 other Dads besides DH which always ripped his heart out. Me?Ive been her fathers wife since she was 3 which is fine by me. Dont want any credit for her anyway. There hasnt been that much drama over the years because when BM is in a relationship DH doesnt matter. She doesnt want him around as a father . Doesnt even bother sending copays wants him to disappear. Then when the relationship goes south all of a sudden she wants to start. It has happened many times over 18 years.Im betting she will send me about 2 years of copays now.

I just had to laugh when DH called me and told me that BM texted him with no explanation. Just a picture of a dental estimate of $600. DH was so nervous because we are so broke its not funny. I told him to calm down. She hasnt sent us a bill in about a year and a half. There was no date on the bill.There was no insurance applied to it at all so it will probably be half of that and then if she wants us to pay it it will be about $200. I dont care. We never have to pay another thing after December so fine.She wants it she can have it.

She was hoping like in the past that my DH would text her back upset and they could have an argument all night. She loves fighting with DH after 18 YEARS when her life sucks. DH falls right into it.Well if boyfriend is gone shes going to have no income and a huge mortgage since SD has never worked and BM hasnt worker in years. Not my problem. }:)

Anyway just venting and I actually hope SD responds to him at some point but I will always have in the back of my mind the timing of it all.

sickofitall's picture

Yeah thats probably whats going to happen.DH was hoping for at least a phone relationship with SD but then said he feels she would be using him for things. He was giving her this last chance and she hasnt responded. BM has told her and anyone who would listen that DH beat her and was abusing me too!! Not true at all. Been with DH for 18 years, never even threatened me, didnt even spank the kids. Very mild mannered. BM has attacked me and DH physically over the years, destroyed our property, threatened us and has even smacked herself in the head when she was fighting with us, and we have been told by BMs family that she has attacked SD also. SD denies that. I cant begin to explain the insanity of her. She is diagnosed bipolar and has BPD.

DH tried to shield SD from all of that growing up but you would think SD would remember some of the fighting and who was calling who or fighting at pickups and dropoffs but she is completely brainwashed with her mother.SD has no real friends, only had 1 relationship that BM did everything she could to get between and it worked. So now SD has only her mother and defends her to the death no matter what she does.

We figured in 8 weeks when she emancipated we will block everything and finally start living. Catching up on some bills and taking a family vacation this summer. First one in about 7 years!

sickofitall's picture

Thanks! I guess I disengaged a while ago and just didnt know it had a name. LOL DH said he will contact her once more and then hes done and will let her come to him. I told him I support him and what he does is ok with me. ITs been 3 years and while has has been sad and on antidepressants over it, he has come to terms with it and even her texting him for his birthday did nit send him into the tailspin I thought it would! He was very matter of fact about it all and said he will answer her and see what happens. He told me last night that he will give her a few more days then just contact her to wish her well and if she ever wants to talk he will be there.Actually very relieved and proud of him. Normally there would have been a huge upset to our house.

He is blocking BM from phone today.Thanks for the advice!

Rags's picture

If the opposition's life is falling apart and they are being toxic it is the perfect time to bring the pain and stick a knife in them. Particularly when they are about to be off of the CS tit.

Even when the opposition are the ones about to be out from under CS you can own their idiot asses.

What is pathetic about my Skid's Sperm Clan is that even after he aged out from under the CO and they no longer pay CS they continue their economic crash and burn due to their idiot decisions. It is so pathetic that they actually bug the Skid to send money to help raise his three younger Sperm Idiot spawned half sibs by two more baby mamas. Thankfully he has no problem letting his Sperm Idiot and the Sperm Grandhag feel the accountability for their stupid bullshit and does not send money. Not only will he not send money when Sperm Grandhag starts whining about how long since he has visited he tells her to send him a ticket and he will visit.

To throw the Sperm Clan a bone we flew the kid to Sperm Land for our 20th anniversary/vow renewal with a weekend with them scheduled at the end of his visit. They bitched and cried for him to stay with them for the entire week he was there for our anniversary but he shut that shit down. After he shut them down they whined that Sperm Grand Hag was leaving on a retreat and he had to come on Wed night. Our ceremony was on Wed and he told her no that he would come on Thursday afternoon and if the Hag wanted to see him she could accommodate her availability. He met us for breakfast on Friday and then returned to the Sperm Idiot's for the weekend before flying back to base.

Rather than tolerating her toxic crap as her live collapses you should accelerate her crash and burn process and reiterate that you own her ass so she never forgets it.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I just don't get all the stories of SD trying to connect with their Dads on such a entitled platform.

My SD is 20stb21 ~ I can't figure out if she wants to have him in her life or continuously hurt him over and over.