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BM is holding onto anger, and it is getting old

mesteinway's picture

BM is bipolar and has borderline personality. Therefore she has decided that what really went down when my boyfriend broke up with her is that he decided he didn't want to be married anymore and stopped loving her. She has used that to justify her being pissed at the entire world, and is constantly making claims against us that are not true!

Her newest one because the schedule is not yet final is that we are taking the kids away from her. We had the two skids ( 7 and 3) over the weekend and they had a slumber party Saturday night. Well, like most kiddos, they did not get enough sleep on their slumber party. BM was supposed to pick them up from us at 5:00pm Sunday, and we figured we'd just emphasize they needed to get to sleep a little early. Well, BM was in Blackhawk for who knows what reason, and 7:30 finally rolls around (a half hour before their normal bedtime), and we try to suggest the kids just sleep at our house so they could go to bed, and she could get them in the morning.

Well, she said she would call the police and have them escort the kids to her car because we can't "stop her from getting her kids". We caved, and let her come get them even though it was late, and she sat in front of the house for 10 minutes afterwards trying to call and yell. Then we found out that instead of going home, she took the kids to starbucks for another hour and a half. Screw the kids sleep, she just wanted to spite us.

All we wanted to do is have the kids have a good night sleep. And instead we get an angry person yelling at us for "taking her kids", then she kept them up so she could visit with them, when she had the opportunity to pick them up 3 hours prior. And she was in Blackhawk.

Then we find out that the 7 year old feels like he is a "baby" at our house, because we actually enforce rules, and discipline, and respect. Which includes reasonable bedtimes, asking permssion to get snacks, meals, etc, asking permission to go outside. Where as he does whatever he wants with BM. So of course he prefers it. It is just hard to put up with the stress and actually feel like we're doing right by the kids. Because while I know we are providing structure and a healthy home, I just wonder what is really best in the end and if all the fighting to get the kids with us for more time is worth it.


Sia's picture

Hello. I dont think I've read anything from you before, but several of us here have BM's with personaitly disorders and BP..... check out . It has tons of useful info for helping to understand the disorder and trying to cope. Good luck, it has been a VERY long and hard road for me, but I think it's almost over. The youngest stepchild is 17, and we dont have to deal with the BM much anymore......

mesteinway's picture

Excellent, thank you for the reference. I've signed up already.

I'm hoping that it will not be another 16 years of this (youngest skid is 2). I don't know if I can take it.

But congrats to you for getting through! I'm sure you are looking forward to the end, where you can finally close BM out of your life for good.

Sia's picture

well, unfortunately, both sds have BPD, so I am sure it's not all over just yet. However, dealing with the BM is coming to an end....although her actions/or lackthereof, will still create crap in the lives of the sds, so I guess in a way, she'll always be around! GRRR
I know what you mean, it's frustrating as hell. The anger she has is never going to go away. I wish I would have found this site as well as the other one waaaayyyy before I did. I've been here almost 2 yrs and there only a little while. I did figure out that the more I learned about the BPD, the better able I was at predicting her behaviors and able to be proactive instead of always having to be reactive about her situations. Our BM is not really highly functioning, she used to be, anymore, so it does make it a bit easier to know where, when, who she is directing her anger towards at any given moment. Please feel free to PM me anytime, as I have been there, done that..... GOOD LUCK!!!!