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Well that didn't take long

Cdngirl's picture

Last I left off SD 14 had moved in with her BM, it was suppose to have been for the school year, no exceptions. Well that didn't last long she is back, and not by our choice.

BM is a piece of shit and deserves everything bad that happens to her. However I am not ready for SD to be back. Just prior to her leaving, my marriage had gotten to the point of separation and I had in fact left for a month. Anyway DH and I had planned to have a nice long talk because we knew that SD would probably be back after the school year. Needless to say we have not had that talk about how this was going to work before we got a call from Social Services that SD was being apprehended and we needed to go get her.

FML no notice and SD is back with us. DH is in shock and doesn't know what to do and says he just needs to figure things out before we have our talk. AKA he is going to do nothing and shit will get bad again and we will be right back to where we started when I left. I am just so angry. I am not the one who married a complete fuck up and then had a fucken child with them. Our marriage is filled with baggage, however it is all his as I never brought any into our marriage. I have a successful career, no kids and no ex's. I truly feel like I got the bait and switch. I had previously dated men with children and swore I would never do that again, especially if there was a crazy ex or no custody order in place. Even though DH had a child I though BM was eccentric, but not bat shit crazy alcoholic ex con (happened after we got married) and SD was living with BM until she went bat shit crazy. That time we had 3 days notice that SD was moving in with us.

I am hoping for the best, yet preparing for the worse. I just want to sit here and cry because things were going so well these last couple of months.


Rainbowsandbutterflies's picture

Omg. I would die if I had three days notice that the bratty steps were moving in. I would move out. God bless you for trying

almost.ready's picture

StepAside, that is exactly where I'm at. My SD17 is also back from her mothers home. After 2 years of living with her she decided she wasn't happy there anymore. My Dh jumped at the opportunity of course. So here we are, 6 months after her arrival. Everything was great at first. I changed everything I could to make her happy. But that was not enough. Her attitude is back and so is my anxiety. I also have 2 young kids of my own who are suffering from me not being happy anymore.

I am to the point where I think she came here to tear us apart. I am so hurt and so angry. My husband and I usually recover quickly with our disagreements. But her, she walks around with a bubble of hostility and tension and it affects everyone around her. My husband says the same exact things you said your husband says. And I think, are you really going to let this happen? You are going to let her come here and dictate our home dynamic?

I can't take it anymore.

simifan's picture

I would not let DH put this talk off - it will only fester. Let him know this is what you need to cope with the situation. Go to a counselor for an objective third party and hash it out.