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Sick of feeling like the eccentric dog lady

AJanie's picture

You guys usually know how to talk sense into me.

I got together with a group of friends and I am the only one without kids. When I was a "step mother" it at least gave me some common ground with them, but now I feel like a true outcast. Almost like they pity me. One of them actually made a pointed effort to ask how my dog was after everyone shared stories about their kids.

On my next birthday I will be 33 and I am starting to actually feel like I will never have kids. Back when my ex and I were relatively happy and he was relatively functional, we tried for about a year and it never happened (thank GOD). But it does leave me feeling like there is something wrong, especially when my friends glance at their husbands and get pregnant instantly.

I saw a doctor and had some general testing but didn't get much in the way of answers.

Now I have a boyfriend but obviously who knows if that will work out. I think he is open to more kids but it is still early to have that talk.

I guess I am just down and out today that I wasted several years with my scum bag ex and here I am at square one. I just want to be a mother and I feel like I am going to miss that boat. I know 33 isn't that old.

I also feel like if I even dare act nurturing to my boyfriend's kid, it is interpreted as "the poor girl doesn't have kids so she tries to mother other women's kids." Maybe that is all in my head, but I remember one time ex-bm made a comment along those lines and it stuck with me.

I don't know. Life never works out as planned and I know that, and I am thankful for my new chance at happiness. I just can't help but feel like the eccentric, crazy aunt/dog lady around all of my friends.


witch.hazel's picture

Don't worry about how others think. They are all secretly jealous because you can do whatever you want without worrying about children. You also get to spend your money on yourself only. It's good you didn't have any when you weren't ready. You have several years left.

AJanie's picture

Thank you, I hope I do have several years and that my lack of fertility was just the universe preventing me from getting stuck with my ex.

lieutenant_dad's picture

I understand where you are coming from. After XH and I split, I felt like the odd one out. My SBro and SIL got married, bought a house, and got pregnant within two years of me splitting with XH, and it was brutal. It wasn't that I wasn't happy for them, because I was and it was their time, but I was watching someone else do what I had failed at doing, and I watched my mom and SF beam at their success. It hurts in a way that people shame when you speak up about it, so you just let it burn inside you. It sucks.

I will say, though, that it's totally an appropriate time to have the "these are my expectations in a relationship" talk. Once DH and I started down the road of coupledom, I was explicit in my wants. I told him any future relationship I had needed to be one that included kids, and if he wasn't open to that possibility, then we needed to end. I didn't say I wanted kids WITH HIM, just that I wanted kids at some point. Before you get too invested, have that chat, and any others, so that you're on the same page.

AJanie's picture

I think I will bring it up to my boyfriend. He has mentioned before wanting a girl. Kind of irritated me... like he has his golden boy and now the next one needs to be a female. lol

Peridwen's picture

Just a thought: it might not have been a case of 'needs to be a female' so much as an opening in the conversation for you to casually mention whether or not you want kids. He might have been feeling out your response to the idea of kids - similar thoughts to yours about whether or not it's too early in the relationship to discuss if kids are part of the future?

hereiam's picture

Well, I have always been the eccentric, crazy aunt (without the dog) and am proud of it! I know it's a little different for me, I never wanted kids, but don't let others make you feel bad for where you are in life and please, don't make yourself feel bad.

You are in a different place than your friends and that is nothing to feel ashamed of. And, I doubt very much that they pity you (at times, they are probably envious but will never admit it).

It is not too soon to have that discussion with your new man. I was 30 when I started dating my husband and I let him know up front that I didn't want kids. And before him, I let the guys I dated know. There was no point in wasting time dating, if we wanted different things (that were that importance). Why fall in love with someone, only to find out that your deal breaker is going to break you up?

I think that sometimes, we have these ideas of how people see us or things they are saying about us, but we are just wrong. Don't let ex-BM stay in your head, just live your life and be you.

AJanie's picture

I admire women who know they don't want kids and stand firm. That is powerful and Eccentric can be so sexy and I do have my moments where I like the fact that I am different from the people I am surrounded by. I just have a complex from ex-BM, and I do need to get over that, and I also have a fear that I am infertile. I let these things poison my spirit sometimes.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I don't have kids either. Just my Skids, who I claim as my kids (I'm parenting them full time and the one that funds their life, they're mine. Legally no. But they are mine. I love them.) So I totally get it!

What helped me was that I was a nanny for a while, coached swim team for kids, and taught elementary school for a short spell. I was already used to parenting and taking care of other people's kids. So when it was ones that I actually love and want to see succeed, it came easier.

Someone is ALWAYS going to judge you for something, if you thought about that every time you wanted to do something, then nothing would happen. I figured I might as well just do me and ignore what everyone else says. I'm not trying to "replace mom" I'm just taking care of kids I care about. Let people judge. It's not hurting anyone, and if someone is REALLY going to judge because a kid has another caring adult, then I think they should self-evaluate instead of spending all their time throwing hate at me.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Thanks AJanie. Smile I just want them to not be psychotic like BM. I'll take functioning adults over recognition any day!

Llilac1's picture

33 is not that old. I’m almost 40 and just had my first. You’re fine. Don’t pressure yourself. Enjoy the childfree time you have now because once that baby comes you won’t have peace again! Lol! And all your Mom friends envy your freedom. They love their babes but I bet you they’d love to be able to just run out to dinner with husband one night without having to get a babysitter.

My dogs are my kids too. Maybe your friend who asked you about your baby is the same.i have a very good childfree friend and I always call her dogs her daughters.

mommadukes2015's picture

Look up Leah Campbell on FB. She's a contributor for and she adopted her child "Cheeks" as a single woman because she is infertile. Not that you are-after my Miscarriage in college my ex and I decided I wouldn't go back on birth control. I wa with him for 2 more years and I never got pregnant again.

But when I was seeing SO (again) for 2 weeks and BAM. Insta baby. The Universe knows what it's doing.

Have you talked to your friends about how you're feeling? I mean they're your friends girl, that's what they are there for.

Acratopotes's picture

urg - no one thinks you are an old lady with a dog... they envy you cause you have a carefree life and no child responsibilities, they only talk about how wonderful their babies are cause they are trying to convince them selves about it lol.... deep down they regret having the monsters.

Now stop stressing about having or not having babies, a friend of mine only had her first one age 39 and the second one age 41, both very easy pregnancies and nothing wrong with the brats, and yes they are brats. Fiends of SO had their first child age 44 and it was twins lol... now they are 50, nothing wrong with the twins, naughty as hell but healthy little brats.... My brother had his pension thieve age 40, his other 2 already pre-teens lol...

Simply enjoy your life girl, work hard, play hard, safe up tons of money and when you are truly ready... well get pregnant, you do not even need a husband for that, do it the way I did it, raise that brat on your own like you want to....

Stop worrying about what other people might think, stop stressing about I'm 33 maybe I should have children, maybe I should be married, it's all mediocre bullshit society pressure.... You are not like every one else, you are you, awesome fab AJ...

ESMOD's picture

And she is 100% spot on right.

You might enjoy doing some other activities to meet people that may not be wrapped up in their mommy years.

There is a "meetup" site I think for most areas.. and it's not a dating site.. more to set up times where groups of people interested in the same thing can meet to do things.

You have plenty of time to be you...and maybe have kids.. maybe not. I didn't and my life is full and interesting as it is.