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SS12 is escalating his behaviors... seriously worried here..

stepmomsoon's picture

First off it was when the cat had to be put to sleep - he offered nothing to my daughter or I in the form of condolences.. I put that aside.

Then on my birthday (which sucked ass) he not once said happy birthday.

Then, my cards (that I didn't open on my bday because it sucked - I just went to bed) vanished.. I didn't do it. Dh didn't do it. My daughter didn't do it. Pretty sure ss15 didn't do it (not his character).

Then last week DH and I get home and I notice the kittens scratching post is shoved in the corner. I pull it out and it's broken. SS12 has a habit of trying to sit on it and I have told him repeatedly not to do this. Sure enough it looks like this is how it got broken, but of course - you can't accuse if you have no proof (I think this is bullshit, but oh well). So Dh asks him "what happened to it" (ss12 was the only one home that could have done this) and ss12 tells him "oh, I fell on it and forgot to tell you guys".. I know this is crap and DH should too, but of course, since we have no proof - can't say a thing.

Then on Christmas we were all playing taboo and DH, ss12, my daughter and I were all on the same team - (ss12 wanted boys vs girls as usual, but grandma X'd that plan).. DH had two words that he knew I would know because of what we did that weekend so he says to me "____ you know this one - what you wanted to lay around in all weekend" (the answer was bed).. then the other one was "_____, what you were craving for dinner Saturday" (lobster)... ss12, got pissed and said something like "I'm not playing because dad is only talking to _____".. It was two words out of 12 we had guessed so far - seriously?

EVERYONE.... was like "jealous much?" He made himself look like a first class jealous baby and DH, grandma, ss15 and I all told him this.

Then later that night we all were getting ready for bed and my daughter sat by grandma (DH's mom) and ss12 tried to tell grandma to make her "get up and move" because he wanted to sit there.. She was like no, you can sit on this side of me and he got pissed and said "nevermind - you ruined the moment.."

A few minutes later I go and start telling everyone "goodnight" and give hugs - ss15 was fine, but when it came to ss12 he acted like he didn't want it, but I did it anyways and he was not happy about it.

I did it for a couple reasons:

1. because I am constantly being told to "kill him with kindness" and this is my new tactic - even though I know it's not going to work, my plan is to show DH and everyone else that this kid hates me and no amount of me being suzy sunshine is changing this. So I am going to "love him up" every chance I get even though I want to puke and laugh on the inside at how uncomfortable this makes ss12.

2. it showed everyone just how much this kid hates me

My concern is this.. every time, and I mean every time we either talk to him or change tactics, ss12 escalates things and I am afraid. I am afraid that because things are now getting broken and vanishing that this is ONLY going to get worse.. and DH is of the opinion that we can't confront him on his OBVIOUS lies, then it's only going to reinforce this crap..

And before anyone says "just confront him and call him out on it" - please save it. It will not work in my favor one bit. ss12 is a manipulator and knows how to do several things to sway things in his favor and cause dh and I to start fighting if I "go after" the little shit - like I rightfully should.

So I'm asking, for some advice here on how to fight fire with fire... I already know me being Mary F*cking Poppins is going to chap ss12's ass big time, so I need to be ready for his games, but in a behind the scenes way that doesn't get me in hot water by "reacting" to him the way I feel I want to..

Hope this makes sense!


oneoffour's picture

Keep all good things locked away. Jewelery, paperwork. precious things you don't want to lose.

Start saying "I am sorry you feel like that." whenever he is snotty. This absolves you from responsibility for his feelings and gives HIM the attention he wants, but in such a way that people can see his state of mind is petty and babyish.

When he lies about things say "Well we will get it repaired or buy a new one. Well there goes the money for movies/ games/trip to dinner at *insert his favourite* for dinner"

Tell DH "SS seems unhappy. Maybe you should have a chat with him."

If he is rude to you call him on it.."Now why would you call me stupid? DH! Can you please have a talk with SS and ask why he called me stupid? DFor some reason he is unhappy about something I did and he refuses to discuss it with me. I just want to make him happy."

overworkedmom's picture

The killing with kindness has been working for me lately. I can do better puppy eyes than SS! I play sickingly sweet and SS just looks like a little ass. I do admit that I lay it on extra sweet when DH is around and I am realistic when it is just me and the kids. It is exhausting to play these stupid games all the time! I was a stepkid. My dad isn't actually my dad. However, I was never ever ever allowed to be disrespectful to him. My kids would be snatched up in a heartbeat if they pulled the crap SS does. I just don't get it.

I also like the idea of a nanny cam if he is being left alone.

stepmomsoon's picture

Thanks for the advice..

I have been doing the nicey nice thing.. but oh lord is it HARD when he is such a jerk!

Like yesterday he and his brother were playing "guns" in the house and were making enough noise to wake the dead.. DH and I were trying to just chill and watch a show in the great room and they had the whole rest of the house to play in.. but because of the constant yelling and thumping, we couldn't hear the dang tv! So, more than once DH told them to please just take it down a notch.. that would last about 2 minutes and back to the loudness they went..

So, DH calls sk12 into the room (he is the one making the majority of the noises) and tries to explain to him that other people live in and are trying to enjoy the house as well (this is a CONSTANT message I am always telling them as well!!) and when he is super loud, it ruins our enjoyment. SS12, as usual - argues and talks back and tries to tell DH he is not making THAT much noise. I am sitting there listening to this crap and see the smirk, the laughing and DH from ss12.... just an air of "shut the eff up" towards his father.. So, I, in my sweetest voice try to tell him the same thing - that it's not fair he and his brother take over the entire house.. He just gives me this look of contempt and it was sooooo hard to not blow up because he was just being such a disrespectful little ass!

So basically, we sent the message and let it go to see if it was respected..

Sure enough.. 5 minutes later - back to the same level of loud! This was around 7:30 and DH finally said "enough - do something else! You have done this for over an hour and it's time to quit and settle down".. ss12 bitched and complained and DH was like "nope." and then told them to clean up their mess..

About 45 minutes later I get up and walk through the house to go upstairs and see oh... about 10 toy guns (nerf and every other kind known to man) scattered all over the front living room, stairs, upstairs hallway, etc... So I say "I thought your dad told you to clean this up?" (nicely)... I get ss12's typical shit - "We're playing it later and I'm not getting it all back out."
I tell him "No, you are done for the night and were asked to clean it up."

He argues - "We are playing it tomorrow and I'm not getting it all back out"

I say once again "you were told to clean it up - please do so"

More pushback and bullshit from sk12..

Inside I want to go off.. but.. I stay calm. I tell him "you will clean it up as your father told you so and we don't want to look at that stuff all over the house"

He then has the nerve to tell me he thinks its crap that we don't like for him to leave his stuff out and it's not a big deal if we have to look at it - he has to look at our stuff, meaning decorations and stuff..

Are you kidding me? I mean how do you not just lose it when a kid acts like that?

Lol.. I laughed at him and his reasoning.. it was the only thing I could do to keep from killing the kid.