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He's Baaacccckkk !

HeatherM's picture

So I just had a month away from seeing my stepson while he was vacationing with his Mother then my MIL. I should have probably missed him, but I didn't not even a little bit... I returned from vacation on Monday, and so did he. He is technically supposed to be at his Moms this week, but of course she is away on business. His Grandmother, my MIL stayed with us a few days (Just left today)... holy smokes, he is such a big baby! He causes me so much stress and I don't even know why! First of all, when he's with his grandparents they treat him like an infant... so he acts like an infant... he must have gained at least 15 pounds while on holidays. Tuesday I stayed home to spend time with my MIL, and this kid woke up at 5:00am, had a bagel and cream cheese, around 7am he had cheese, crackers, pickles, at approximatly 9am he had two huge cookies, at 11:30am he had a burger and fries (I took them out for lunch), and then when he got home from that Grandma gives him a cupcake. Unbeknownst to me, she also gave him another huge cookie with smarties all over it at about 2pm, I made a healthy dinner, which he was too full to eat...but he ended the meal with a man size piece of chocolate cake!! Seriously... this kid is going to be fat, with braces, glasses, and play chess... my lord is he ever going to be picked on.. not to mention the fact that he can't do anything, and wears a diaper to bed at 8 years old!

Yes... I'm just venting. Grandma is leaving today, hopefully things get back to normal, whatever that may be.... He's always talking like a baby, interrupting, he can't play on his own. I looked up developmental milestones for a 7 year old (technically he's only 7.5, not Dirol but anyways, he's behind in so many of them...!

I cannot WAIT until he goes to his Mothers on Friday... but then he comes back on Monday for a week... oh well... 2 days off I guess... What I don't understand is why no one else thinks he's a big baby!!! Just me!


bioandstep2009's picture

"What I don't understand is why no one else thinks he's a big baby!!! Just me!"

Well, bioparents (and bio-relatives) seem to have a hard time seeing their kids objectively. Plus, they've had the benefit of being around the child from birth and can more easily gloss over flaws etc. What we stepparents see as "annoying" about the kids, the bioparents think is "cute".

I find my SS9's antics annoying but sometimes, I guess it depends on my mood, I can get a chuckle... but most of the time, he's just so hell bent on the focus being on HIM, that I find the stuff annoying while his Dad (FH) thinks it's "great", "funny", "awesome". He as well acts not as mature as I think he should be and both DH & BM seem to have coddled and babied him especially after the divorce (guilt parenting big time).

I don't know what advice I can give you other than you are not alone in your thoughts. I just try to talk to DH about SS9 and for the most part, he heeds my advice and has stopped babying him (for the most part). Not sure how open your DH is to hearing objective observations of SS.