Thank you for reminding me why I can't stand you...
BF gets skid EOWE & every Wedn for 2 hours. BF has been having truck issues alot lately and as of last week his truck is now fixed. During the time his truck was not operable he didn't see/take skid. He texted BM to let her know from the get-go what was going on and told her unless she was willing to drop off & pick up, he didn't have a vehicle to get skid for their visits. She of course said she couldn't because she couldn't afford the gas and she was also job hunting. (BF & BM live literally 15 minutes driving distance away from eachother and BF pays 920.00 a month for CS for their one kid).
Fast forward to today, earlier today BF texted BM to say "I will be there at 5:30". Texts are kept short and to the point in regards to BM. They meet up and skid gets out of one car and gets in the next. So...BM replies and says that skid was trying to make plans with a friend since they are on school vacation this week. She proceeds to ask if BF wants her to have skid call his friend back and tell him to forget it. BF simply replied back: "I will be there at 5:30". Plain and simple. BF hasn't seen skid since idk when because of truck bs and skid has all week off so he can do his 2 hour visit and friends can wait.
Then all of a sudden we get a text from BM "Skid wants to know if you can drive him to xyz to get a video game" BF replies: Can't low on gas, take him during the day like now". When I read that I was like REALLY???? WOW!!! You haven't seen your father in awhile and all you care about is seeing if your dad can bring you somewhere to get a video game??!! (Remember this is only a 2 hour visit)
Then...BM texts back and says she can't because her baby (the kid she got pregnant with while cheating on my BF during their marriage) "won't last in the car that long". (REALLY??? A 20 minute ride a baby can't "last that long"???)
Then she texts that she will just order the game online. (who cares??!!)
Then the one I loved the most..."U should take him for a hair cut he won't go for me and he looks like a chia pet". (REALLY BITCH??? #1 who is the parent? #2 this is ONLY A 2 HOUR VISIT why can't you take him sometime during the week while he is on vaca and your lazy ass is sitting around the house unemployed???!!!) Then of course the moron texts back and says "Nevermind he agrees to go tomorrow"
In all honesty we barely ever hear from BM, which of course is a good thing, and even when we do she gets ignored every time unless it is skid related. BUT when I see texts like that it just reminds me why I can't fucking stand either of them!!! ALL they fucking care about is themselves and what they can get or do courtesy of BF's time & money!!!
Why on God's green Earth some people are given children I will NEVER understand!!! :?
How old is the kid?
How old is the kid?
Skid is going to be 12 in
Skid is going to be 12 in August
So she has no gas to bring
So she has no gas to bring kid to see dad, but she has money for a videogame?
Apparently so....Must be nice
Apparently so....Must be nice huh??? :sick:
Skid always has name brand clothes/shoes, new video games, flat screen tv, etc. being a COD has its perks.... :O
Glad to see my BF's 920.00 a month is going to good use....
I know what I could do with an extra 920.00 a own a fucking home!!! That is why this whole bs pisses me the fuck off...BF and I scrape by and this kid and BM live high off the CS hog! Sooo depressing