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Day 2 after SD kicked out & guess what?

stepwitch's picture

Today went without a hitch!!! I have been trying to keep up with posts today, boy this is hard.

If yall missed anything you can read the whole story of how my billy bad ass SD punched me Monday. Right before I Kicked Her Ass Out of My Palace. Only Room for One QUEEN here. THAT'S QUEEN STEPWITCH TO YOU. DH still is amazed that I didn't kill her. He said I should of knocked her the f**k out. I truely was scared I would seriously hurt her. Adrenaline can be scarey. I am glad I didn't, but I did put her down & out quick.

Today, was the day DH told his mother (SD Grandmother). I was shocked when her reply was, I'm so tired of worrying about her, I'm done too.

I hope she enjoys her last semester at the University, Computer, and pd car insurance, because we are done - done - done. My parents comments were "for how long" our reply was until hell freezes over!!! LOLOLOLLOLOLOL

Wanted to put this out there - Talked to one of my Sherriff Dept friends today, and she said that I was very lucky that SD had somewhere to go, because she didn't have to leave without a 30 notice of eviction. WTH? I think that we should make our kids/Skids sign some type of agreement/contract on their 18th birthday, that residential status is only temporary and can be evicted at any time at the disgretion of the home owner. HAHAHAHAH Look I'm laughing alot. How can I be so happy about this.

I'm making a request for yall, please put SD in your prayers, cause she is fixing to hit rock bottom and she's too busy being billy bad ass to see it. I really don't want to see her fail, but she's just gonna have to learn for herself. I have always taken on her issues and tried to fix them. I am a fixer. I use problem solving skills. But These are HER ISSUES - THEY DON'T BELONG TO ME!! Just let it go - go with the wind.

The atmosphere in this house is so peacefull and calm. I wish for everyone in this forum this type of peace and love. Thank you everyone who has been chatting with me - YALL ROCK !! like Zeplin

sarahbernheart's picture

has been that if my FH moves in with me and his DEVIL BS that something like that would happen with FSS and me.
He has a quick temper and if he did not like what I had to say or make him do some chores or something that he might grab me or throw something at me and you know what- I REALLY do not know if my FH would do anything about it...he has his "head in the sand" and would probably do some yelling at BS but nothing more..OOOOO would that not be a good thing ..
My BSs would NEVER get away with that behavior and I would not take it from his and you can better believe that would be the end of FH and me if he let sleeping dogs lie!!
“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

happysomeday's picture

i didn't read what happened- where is it? when I click on your blog I see nothing...
congrats! i envy you

stepwitch's picture

Thanks for responding, I think that your fear is justified. I'm not saying that I think your situation will esclade to the extent that mine did. I wouldn't want that for my closest enemy (BM), but it sounds to me like your FH DEVIL BS has that potential. Use your instints (they come with tits & a vagina). I wish now that I would have listened to my inner self.

It is now 3 days w/out SD. I have to admit, I wonder if I could have handled the situation differently. How? not sure. Why is it that we want so badly to include our spouses or potential spouses kids to be included in our lives? When did begin thinking that it is our responsibility to fix problems that was created before us? I read somewhere, maybe on this forum or my hospice forum, that we need innerpeace before we can achieve world peace. I like that saying, how bout you?

Stay strong and stay wearing of FSS.

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

sarahbernheart's picture

I think it comes from having a uterus..( and I love the tits & vagina line) we feel we have to MOTHER everyone and everything!! (not BM of course) We love our men and want to love everything about them...however...the Skids think that we are the evil green skinned poison apple do you fight that???
I tell you NOONE should have to put up with physical abuse!! I learned that a long time ago in my first marriage. from your blog I do not think that you could have done much different..but I think if that was what was needed to get her out then it would be a small price to pay... It is sad to think that as much as FH says he loves me - that he loves the image of his son more- oh well I have to do what is best for me like you said and I am too old to worry about someone else and their 10 ton baggage.

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”

Sarah101's picture

Enjoy your peaceful home! Getting rid of the negative energy really makes the air easier to breathe. I am so happy that your DH stands up for you and agrees that SD is the problem. That's BIG.

Now get ready for the nickle & diming to start. Last month DH and I had to kick out a manipulative bitch SD(24)--you can read all about it in my blog (I'm new here too, and learning to trust the wonderful people in this forum). DH gave her $1000 and set her up in her own place. She works full time. In just one month she has:
- Lost her driver's license
- Lost her job
- Lost her car insurance (we won't carry her on our policy anymore)
- Been late with her car payment
- Lost her health insurance (we won't carry her on our policy anymore)

None of the above is her fault you understand--it's just that life and people conspire against her. She is, and always will be, a victim.

I won't let her in our house, even to visit. Last night DH took SD(24) out to hear her sad tale of woe, and ended up forking over another $850 to her because she's so down and out. I FLIPPED! He is so afraid that SD(24) will "end up on the street" that he continues to give in to her whining. We are not rich, by the way, and the money he gives her comes from our household budget, which makes me see RED.

I figure SD(24) is trying to manipulate herself back into our home and our lives by ruining her own. She figures if she is pitiful enough and can manipulate her father by threatening to "end up on the street," he'll forgive her bad behavior and insist that she be allowed back into our home. I told him that time on the street may be just what she needs.

I also told my DH what if SD(24) walks back in the door, I walk out. Period.

So I wish you all the best, but chances are you're not done with the SD. As she dives toward bottom, she'll want to take along with her as much free money as possible. I hope your DH can remain strong!

sarahbernheart's picture

OH how I see my future thru your crystal ball Sarah- NO doubt my FH would do the same thing for his BS. 850.00 is a lot of money. not like everyone has disposable income right??
I think that is why I am not rushing to marry or have him move in. I was wondering if we will be 60 and still in love but living in seperate Homes still....

“You will never be on top of the world
if you try to carry it on your shoulders.”