Bm is a mystery to me.
Yesterday bm texts Sd & says "I'll drop you off at your dad's Friday". Then she texts Dh last night "it's my weekend with Sd, right?" he replys "no, you had her last weekend" and she's all "ok". Huh? Is she that forgetful or desperate for his attention? I can't figure it out.
Right now we have her eow unless unless unless. What i mean is, bm is constantly coming up with reasons to change the schedule. We are going to see about getting her every other weekend set in stone. If her mom goes out of town or needs a favor she'll still be all "pay attention to meeee" but otherwise the schedule is set. A regular schedule...imagine that!
^^^ THIS ^^^
^^^ THIS ^^^
Right now the order is
Right now the order is "favorable visitation for both parents". I believe that's how it's worded. Something more specific would be nice as we get screwed out of Christmas and Easter mornings every year. Would it be unreasonable to want to take my sd as a tax credit every other year, as well? We pay bm cs and she has to pay for sd's insurance (which we don't use) and a percentage of her tuition but bm gets to write off sd as a dependent on her taxes per that same order.