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the pot calling the kettle black........

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

BM is a plump person that had 3 kids and only 1 of the 2 isn't considered obese. That's how the custody issue started...DH doesn't take them to the doctor about their weight. Hmm...she doesn't see a doctor about her weight. She pushed the issue after years of feeding the kids junk food. My MIL has told me that she didn't cook (mind you I don't but at least try to cook something more than ramen noodles and hot dogs)

BM took her sweet time filing for custody. She dealed when they got the divorce and took the youngest child. He was so influenced over her spending money on him that after months of leaving with DH he decided to live with her.

The other 2 have been fat all their lives. What's funny is BM even believes her own lie about the kids losing 25 lbs a piece 2 years ago during her 6 week visitation during the summer. Hello? They saw their Dad 1 day during the week and every other weekend and there was no such weight loss. She has even told the GAL her attorney. Too bad she never kept them at the same doctor all of their lives. I am not passing judgement...but my kids have had the same doctor for 7 years since I moved back from TX. That's one point that DH attorney is bringing out in court....she doctor shops for herself 3 doctors (all family doctors) she sees at the same time and doctor shops for her kids.

BM pushed this weight loss program that is thru the local Children's Hospital but doesn't follow any of the guidelines. She still goes to fast food buffets and all you can eat joints.Then passes blame on my DH that he is not helping them lose weight.

The report at the end of the assessments stated that the parents have difficulties between them and going thru a custody issue and it is harming SS13 progress. He has gained 18 lbs since Nov 08. SS14 that is supposed to go thru the program participates in sports so he is excused for now. BM pushed this program because DH is financially responsible for both of them and she loves to run up bills! Now that my plan pays 100% I am sure she is going to take full advantage of it! The kids were on state aid because of her income (she doesn't go to work due to her 12 illnesses and uses FMLA to her advantage)and didn't take SS11 (the one she is financially responsible for) to the doctor for his check up for his ADHD for 3 months....this was during the period that the kids didn't have state was brought out in her deposition that she dropped $200 for dinner and complains about having no money. It wasn't until Dh deposition that we found out she didn't take SS11 to the doctor. He is on a controlled substance and she stopped giving it to him because her plan had a $50 copay and DH plan at the time makes you get mail order.

I have become what I call the Food Nazi. BM doesn't care what she has ever fed the kids and since DH is under scrutiny then the hammer is down! I want them to complain to their mother ...Hell the GAL that I am being mean and having them eat appropriate portions and try fruits and vegetables.....oh that's right! BM stated how they lost the weight was thru Weight Watchers....SS14 will eat ok but SS13 is a nightmare to feed. He only likes comfort foods....carbs.

I called BM out with an email about what he ate during Spring Break...she couldn't recall...and that we are listing the foods he eats and tries. I also called her out on her last weekend. She blamed him for buying junk food with his own money. That's the difference....I am on him like white on rice and he can't get away with anything.

SS13 finally realized in the last meeting that him, BM and DH had at the weight loss thing...his Mom is fat and she making him go thru this program because he is fat. He told DH that he didn't understand why at her house they are still going out to eat. I personally think she wants him to get bigger and temps him with the pizza etc because its easier for her and makes DH look bad.

They gave a "family" membership to Ss13 at the local Y. BM took the certificate and signed the kids, her husband and herself up. DH and I already found out that it is with the family he resides with...which isn't her. DH asked her how she got the membership when its based on who he resides....she didn't have anything to say but to call back later that night and said she took off her husband and added DH. Ok the problem is they are not a family. What happens if the information would exclude her and SS11. Right now it excludes me and my 2 kids. After all we live with SS13. Dh is going to talk to the Y about it to find out how she got it and to see if we can add me and my kids because its after all for us and really not for her. If we kick her off then she will play the victim and state how mean DH is and how he didn't want her to participate. She would drop them off and leave anyway!

This is pretty long ...sorry...

Having a talk with SS14 and DH in a few hours about what his attitude is....he is the one that started our mess with his Mom.


Anon2009's picture

What exactly did SS14 do?

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

DH and him got into it last June over a girl. SS14 behavior was changing....lying etc when he got with her. BM supported the relationship. The girlfriend was 15 and he was 13. BM played the good parent and allowed him to be alone with her. From the beginning we thought she was trouble....she was the one that encouraged him to try to move in with BM. Now there is no girlfriend and we are stuck in the middle of a custody issue because he says he isn't "comfortable with DH now". This kid knew BM was a bad mother when he was only 3 years old...he was call my MIL on speed dial and tell her to pick him up because he didn't like these people anymore....BM cheated on DH since the beginning of their relationship...even right before her announcement of her pregnancy with SS11. Ironic he looks like no one in the family on both sides. DH doesn't want to know but when this first started SS11 told Dh he couldn't tell him what to do because he wasn't his father.....he said this the same day my MIL got an email from BM asking why Ss11 was so mistreated by the family (which is not true) and would Dh like a DNA test....

DH and the boys are doing yard work...I got a preview of our talk. SS14 stated he hated him and they seemed to have a heart to heart after that. SS14 is sad that BM is going to get him if he doesn't say anything different in court. He even admitted that we don't allow video games(other than Wii) don't go out to eat, portion control and have them have activity. He said that his Mom is looking more like the fun parent because they go out to eat, he doesn't whatever he wants and she spends money on him.

We don't have the kind of money.....everything is going to the attorney....13k so far and counting.

He stated he doesn't want to decide he doesn't want to be in the middle anymore. Because he told the GAL that he wanted to be with BM that is what she is going to tell the court.

I feel for the kid......but Dh can accept whatever is going to happen but told him that we won't have the money to get him back. Dh said he got upset over that.

I guess he doesn't have enough guts to stand up to BM. She has a way to make him and his brothers feel guilty for living with DH.

Anon2009's picture

For not wanting to be in the middle. Maybe during this talk you and DH can teach him how to stick up for himself to BM.

melis070179's picture

We also deal with similar circumstances, only BM doesn't care that her kids are fat. She has 3 and 2 are fat also. When her son visits he is impossible, will not eat anything and will sit there until bedtime so he doesn't have to. Or will make himself throw up. Its soooo annoying and gross. I feel for ya!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"