tryingtokeepthesanity's Blog
I finally got my modified shared parenting plan....still waiting for DH's
My drama with my ex is over at least the parenting plan. Most likely I will have to file contempt of court charges but the major expense of the lawyer is done. My ex even asked me was it worth it?? Let's see he has hasn't paid a dime to raise our 2 kids in the last 2 years while they lived with me full time and got pissed when I took him to modify the plan and for CS. So I am going from $0 a month to $400. He works part time and failed to get the magistrate that the CS should be based on him working part time.
It's not over to the fat BM sings!
DH and BM had a meeting with the GAL last week. It finally went DH way. I don't know what changed the GAL mind but she finally got on BM case and DH was flabergasted!
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DH had to get consent while at the ER with a kid with broken bones
DH called me at work to tell me that he was at the ER and BM had that she was the custodial parent on SS11 and that meant the hosptial called BM to get permission to treat him.
Hello?? In his parenting plan they BOTH have the right to medical but BM is responsible to pay all of SS11 bills. DH didn't do this to her with the other 2 kids they have.
I lost it today!
Last night DH got a call from his attorney that the court hearing has been postponed yet again. The next court date is 3 days shy of a year since BM filed her motioned. How fair is it that there is so much delay.
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BM wants to try to settle before court....but the kicker is no child support
I found out plenty at the attorney's office today...she is looking to accept the plan that she helped set up but then recanted it to her attorney. I documented the meeting, dh called the attorney and sent an email right afterward. BM just doesn't want to pay $200 a month in CS.
DH is going to let her suffer until next week. That is when the court hearing is set. DH (and me) have spent 16k so far for what?? Her to back down...its the principal and she makes plenty of money she doesn't want to ruin her shopping addiction.
Does anyone know (in Ohio) where you go to voice a complaint
About how long your CS case is taking? I started a "simple" case last April my case was to be "done" last week. My attorney is a good one but each month that goes by is costing $500 a month and for what?? There is nothing more to discuss.
Also my husband's case we have had so many delays its not funny. We had a shared parenting proposed that BM and DH had talked about to settle and she changed her mind so 1k or more down the drain.
BM got the proposed shared parenting plan .....and emailed that she wasn't agreeing to it
because it wasn't what she remembered discussing. DH wasted time and money for the attorney to draw up the papers. She sent an email that he needed to change a few things. DH already told the attorney that if she changed her mind...going to trial. She wanted it put in the parenting plan that the kids can change their mind in the future without going to court and no child support. DH will have 2 and she basically will have 1 but in writing 50/50. What nut case would believe any parent would agree to that!
Follow up to the conversation at the soccer game.....BM decided to settle after 9 months of a custody battle
that she started! I just don't get it. BM started this crap in my opinion, because DH and I got married. When we were dating she wasn't really around and then when we got engaged decided she needed to spend time with the boys. I was hoping that with me in the picture she would finally step up as a Mom. BM has done some real stupid stuff since we got engaged. Then 2 months after we got married she filed for custody and continued to do stupid stuff with the kids. Like drop of SS11 (10 at the time) at Dh with no announcement then use the excuse that she cleared it with a 13 year old.
My CS case is over in 30 days!
I got a call from my attorney that the magistrate decided that my x had to pay CS from his salary from 2007 and not on his current income which is barely 20 hours a week. He chooses to work part time to watch his new baby. His attorney already brought up about my x having another baby in Oct and that makes my CS lower. Right now I still don't what the amount will be.
I didn't have any CS to begin with we split the kids 50/50 then both the kids ended up with me. He got an attorney and paid over $200 an hour and then complains how he didn't have any money.
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An interesting conversation with BM at the soccer game.......
BM actually asked me to sit down next to her. I told her that I have been standing all season its no big deal.