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DH had to tell the kids about Healthy Weight

tryingtokeepthesanity's picture

BM is pushing the issue of SS14 and SS13 to loose weight. SS14 is involved in sports but SS13 is not.

BM has fed the kids carbs since they left the womb and wonder why they are fat! She hasn't cared about their weight until AFTER she filed for custody.

The kids have been at her house for 10 days for Spring Break. She fed them this week Romen noodles, hot dogs and pizza.

DH and I have involved all the kids in our house go by serving size and limit the time in front of the XBOX. I have been nagging DH for months but of course he listens when the GAL threaten to side with BM if SS13 didn't start losing weight.

DH has them Mon, Tues, Thurs and every other Friday and weekend and she has them on Wed and Every other Friday and does spending 2 days more a week make DH more responsible for their health?? BM will say to anyone how good of a Mom she is...making him try veggies (YEAH RIGHT) but in reality she feeds him junk.

DH had a talk with him and told him that he was going to live with his Mom if he doesn't speak up in the weight management appointments. I added in the conversation that he is getting ready to see a psychologist and I told SS13 that this was his chance to tell someone how he really feels and what really happens at his Mom's. BM is in the other appointments with him but not going to be in this one.

Also.......DH found a strong antibotic in the bottom of the linen closest for SS14 from Aug 2008. DH took him to the doctor 2 days before this prescription was written. DH is going to call the doctor's office to find out what it was written of the diseases is chlymdia. THIS WOULD BE OUR SMOKING GUN!! I don't anything bad to happen to SS14 but this is what we need to stop her momentum of being the angelic mother that she portrays.