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On the topic of MILs... not as bad as SuperDouche FIL, though!

StickAFork's picture

I woke up with a raging headache, and it must have been a precursor to what lie ahead for me in my day...


So, MIL called DH AGAIN... I don't understand why she's calling all the damn time these days, but it's getting old. She was a bitch and a half to me when I came into DH's life. Refused to even meet me until after we'd been together more than a year, and then treated me like shit. Then...threw a hissy fit at our wedding, blah blah blah. Long story short, she/FIL basically lost their relationship with their son over it. (They were previously VERY close...and overinvolved in DH's life -in my opinion.) She just did stupid shit and DH had a rough time seeing it/dealing with it. Anyway, he basically told them that I was his wife, I'm part of his family, and they could either like it or lump it.
Now, keep in mind they are verrrrry close to BM. Besties and all, still celebrate holidays with her, etc. They refer to her as their "daughter in love" now that she is no longer their "daughter in law." Whatevs.

I honestly think that MIL has been trying for the last year or so to make amends. Now, I use that term loosely, because she's never actually apologized and when I tried to address what had happened, I was told she wasn't discussing it and yelled "That's enough! I'm not discussing this." Um, ok... I keep them at arms' length or longer for the most part.

Add to this the fact that SD19 is fo' shizz up the spout, and now she's calling all the damn time. Pissing me off. Trying to guilt DH over poor, poor SD. Also, she's dying. Just ask her. She calls about medical issues at least half the time. Today? She needs surgery and she may not survive. :? It's surgery for cataracts. Wink Again, ummm, ok.

Maybe she just wants contact with her son. Understandable; he's pretty cool. Biggrin
I just wish she was "woman enough" to address/acknowledge her part in where we're at right now....


StickAFork's picture

...Annnddd... now she's asking about SD's registry and what we're buying for SD.
There it is.
I knew that was the "real" reason for her phone call...

StickAFork's picture

I have to hand it to her... she went on and on about her surgery and had DH kinda worrying about her...sympathetic and all... I could tell from the sound of his voice.
Then, BLAMMO! The hammer dropped. She's apparently going on and on about the "shower" she's hosting for SD19, how he NEEDS to make sure he sends her something first thing Monday so it gets there in time, and wants to know what he's getting her off of her $2000 baby registry (not including any furniture.) I can tell he fell for it at first, given how he's worried about her health.

oldone's picture

I am laughing so hard about the "danger of dying" from cataract surgery. The risk is as close to zero as you can get.

Any complications were extremely rare even when they did it under general anesthesia. Now it is done with a local.

I think her risk of dying is higher driving to the grocery store.

StickAFork's picture

Apparently the call started off with her going for a walk last night and winding up in the ER... she felt "woozy" and was advised by the nurseline to go to the hospital stat.
Drama queen. I can see where SD gets it. Wink

The rest of the conversation was all about SD's upcoming shower and how the whollllle side of the family is "going in" together and buying her the $500 carseat/stroller combo she wants. MIL "suggested" about a dozen times that we contribute, too.
Props to DH, though... he told her that he and I hadn't really discussed it, so we'd talk about it and decide on what we were doing. Smile

StickAFork's picture

Well, ya know, this is the fancy schmancy, click together kind... although I do recall having one of those as well when I had kids. I, like SD, was 19 when I started cranking out babies.
I seem to recall spending about $150 for both...not $500!!

WHY does MIL care if we contribute? They already bought it!

StickAFork's picture

Weird, too...because the WHOLE side of DH's family is going in on this... and contributing a whopping approx $25 apiece.
Thing is, we'd spend far more by NOT "going in" on this gift.

The really weird thing was... he said his mom was suggesting that because she knows "money's tight" for us. WTF? Where did she get THAT impression? Because we haven't been sending spendy gifts to SS and SD anymore?
That's because they're ungrateful brats who have nothing to do with their father for the most part...and I guess she forgot about the expensive piece of jewelry SD got for graduation less than a year ago??

So... I asked DH what SD is doing about furniture, since that can be expensive. He didn't know, but will ask.
He thinks we should...
1. Send $$ to MIL to "go in" on the stroller/car seat combo.
2. Send SD a card/gift to open at the shower this weekend.
3. Help buy the furniture needed.

Dang. It got rather expensive rather fast. Am I surprised? Nope.
He asked what I thought...I told him I waffle between sending a big, fat nothing and buying the most expensive stuff just to piss off BM.
He told me neither suggestion was very mature. LOL. Blum 3

StickAFork's picture
