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the 30 dollar christmas

northernsiren's picture

We managed to convince BM to allow us to take SD on Christmas day, b/c FH and I were traveling to MA to be with my family, who adore SD, and we wanted to bring her. BM requests that we not pick SD up until 10:00 am so they can have "family time" christmas morning. Threw a bit of a crimp in our plans, but okay, we made it work. So at 10:00 am on the dot, we pull up to SD's house. She comes out a moment later, and we cheerfully greet her, say merry christmas, etc. We ask her how her morning was and she says she spent it alone. Yup, BM and her brat squad didn't bother getting up, and were still in bed at 10:00 am when it came time for SD to leave!!! SD was up at 6:00 am, no one else. Apparently when we arrived and called, BM woke up and said "you're not leaving yet are you?" SD said yes, it's 10:00!

Fastforward through the day, it was a long one, but enjoyable. SD got a handmade scarf from my mom in her favorite color, which she loved. We drive the 2.5 hours back to Ct to our place, and open a huge pile of presents. SD got a bunch of clothes, a board game, 2 games for her DS, a game for her playstation, socks and gloves with two of her favorite characters on them, a couple of DVDs, snow boots, art supplies, a bunch of cool pens, and a rolling craft organizer full of all things needed to start scrapbooking specifically put together by stepmom. All total, I would say about $450 dollars was spent, but that's really not the point. The point is that some of the things we bought for her were under $30, but more than anything, reflected who she is, celebrated her interests and hobbies, and generally appreciated her! SD was thrilled, loved everything, and generally was very pleased.

So the next day BM calls and wants to know when SD is coming home. BM then completely out of the blue, offers SD the option of staying through Sunday if she wants to, her normal visitation. SD thinks about it, and tells us that her mom will guilt trip her if she stays, so she needs to go back to her moms for at least a few hours. FH says no, I'm not dropping you off there for a few hours and then coming back, so we'll just drop you and come get you at the normal time on Sat.

I was really upset about this, and frustrated. After all we go through with this custody crap, SD wanting to come and live with us, etc. She won't stand up to her mom on such a small thing. After all the effort I put in to her gifts, (and yes ladies it was 90% me, paying for it too) I just really wanted to see something out of it. She said to me while her dad was in the shower "I really wish mom wouldn't make me feel so bad for wanting to stay here" And I said "hunny I know it's easier said than done, but no one can MAKE you feel anything, they only can do that if you let them." "Try to remember when she's making you feel bad that it's wrong to manipulate people that way, and she should feel bad for doing that to you." I also told her that it makes it really difficult for her dad and I when she makes a decision like this because the next time the custody issue comes up, her mother will throw it in our face as proof that SD really doesn't want to be with us b/c "given the option she'll come back to my house instead of spending an extra day with you!"

FH also said she probably wanted to see what she got from her mom for christmas. Apparently they're doing better financially this year (yeah right) so SD might get something other than a 10 hair straightener.

Okay, stepmom sucks it up, insists on being taken out to dinner }:) and off we go to drop off SD.

Sat comes, and we get SD again. She informs us that her mom got her minimuffins (a couple of those snack packs) a candy cane with M&Ms in it, pink disposable razors, and a $25 gift certificate to Walmart. As far as I can tell, a $30 Christmas. I am horrified!!!!! Not because she only spent $30, but because none of the things she was given reflect ANYTHING about SD, appreciate nothing about her, NOTHING to make her feel special or loved. Indeed, they're pretty much all afterthought "I'm in the checkout lane at Walmart" items!!!!!" And this woman has the audacity to say SD is her LIFE???

I asked SD yesterday how she felt about it and she said it made her feel awful. I guess there were a bunch of presents under the tree but none had labels, so she thought some might be for her. Nope, they were all for the other two kids, and BM and her husband. Clothes, games, toys, none for her though. SD's all were in her stocking. Yup, it doubled as that as well. BM is such a pathetic excuse for a human being. With a $30 budget, I could have STILL given SD a wonderful, thoughtful christmas. It REALLY is not about the money, though we were lucky enough to have more to spend. It's about knowing your child, loving them enough to take an interest in what they're doing and celebrating them. I bought her a french tutorial game for her DS system b/c she's having trouble in French. It cost $20, and the girl played it for hours over the weekend. I swear, some day I am going to tell this woman exactly what I think of her. Poor SD, at least she has us....


Sia's picture

I am so glad she has you in her life! Some people just DO NOT get the gift giving thing. To me, it is an art. I will listen all year to things people say or listen for clues as to what they would really like to have, then, I'll use that to buy their gifts. DH is like clue as to what I really want. I could write it on a list and still not get what I asked for. Some people think gift giving is all about them..... not the person the gift is actually for. I feel sorry for your SD, but glad that you feel gift giving is an art! GOOD FOR YOU!

northernsiren's picture

She just doesn't give a damn. The soon to be 3 yr old got a jacket with her name embroidered on it, and plenty of games she likes, etc, and gets disney princess everything b/c she loves disney princess (predicting a WONDERFUl future for this kid, let me tell ya....)

I'll tell you exactly what happened, BM decided to buy the 3 yr old some more disney princess walmart crap and, while in the check out line, grabbed some things off those impulse buy racks there, and that was the extent of the shopping for SD. I am not even remotely kidding.

Meanwhile, northernsiren is researching games, making check lists for her scrapbooking gift, going to multiple stores to get everything, agonizing over what she would like best, looking all over for just the right clothes for her, running out the day before to buy one more gift for SD b/c she has no snow boots and is responsible for shoveling snow at BMs, so she's doing it in the GALOSHES we bought her, etc. I almost didn't buy the boots, b/c I figured since she's doing this shoveling at BMs, and BM is sending her out there without the boots maybe she'd get her a pair for christmas. LOL I should have known better, she's such a piece of crap.

My MOTHER, no relation to SD, spent more time knitting that scarf for her and showed she knew more about her by getting yarn in her favorite colors than BM did. BM is a f*cking pathetic excuse for a mother, I'm sorry, but she should be so ashamed of herself, it makes me so mad....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

SerendipitySM's picture

A $25.00 gift card to WAL-MART?? This poor kid - thank GOD she has you and DH in her life. These women will never cease to amaze me....

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

northernsiren's picture

Walmart, b/c that's the only place she drags her fat @ss other than the grocery store....

Sorry, I'm seriously pissed off about this. The woman has no shame either, I'm sure she uses the fact that FH and I got SD so many nice things as justification for not getting her anything, b/c someone else buys her presents, and HER kids don't have that, so of course they should get a bunch of stuff and nothing for SD....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

SerendipitySM's picture

TROLL is the same way - she lives at WAL-MART. Believe me it explains a lot....

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

northernsiren's picture

she looks like one and the personality just strengthens the cause.... And yes, it DOES explain a lot (I'm very anti Walmart!)

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

SerendipitySM's picture

NS - TROLL is what my DH has referred to her as for as long as I have been with him. We never refer to her by her name just TROLL and it suits her so much!! She is short, fat, scrunchy little face, wears glasses that make her beady little eyes seem even more evil and I swear to you that every single time I have seen her she is always wearing the same pair of acid washed jeans from the early 80's that look like they are about 5 sizes too small so she has a very prominent muffin-top. She is frumpy and extremely unattractive - thus - she is a TROLL!!

Don't even get me started on WAL-MART - I HATE IT!! No offense to anyone who likes it but here where I live it is a haven for white trash!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

northernsiren's picture

I don't want to get TOO comfortable calling BM troll, b/c I will say it in front of SD accidentally and feel bad, so it's BM b/c she is a piece of &*^! as far as we're concerned.

We could have the same BM, minus the glasses, plus ours has perpendicular teeth sprouting from every possible place in her mouth, and she's all of 5 ft tall....

It's the same where I live too SM, I resist going there at all costs and complain mightily any time I am dragged there by FH. I used to live in a very liberal town in MA and the Walmart exported their midwestern values and allowed some anti gay group to set up and hand out literature out front. I got SO pissed, I got in my car and drove 20 min to the target and paid more for the same thing, and never set foot in the walmart there again....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

stepwitch's picture

She has you and dh. It is just never ending is it?

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

northernsiren's picture

I do try to remind myself that there are kids out there without a NS and her FH who have it much worse. At least Sd gets a reprise from being cinderella when she's with us....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

stepwitch's picture

But in Disney Language it should be the other way around....

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

northernsiren's picture

but disney and their princesses can go shove it as far as I'm concerned. I can't see how FH, SD or anyone else is confused about who the "wicked" one in our situation is....

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

imagr8tma's picture

I bet she was walking around getting her other kids christmas gifts, and completely forgot about her oldest daughter. Then as an after thought she got that crap she bought.

She could have put at least a little thought into the gifts. I don't really see anything wrong with walmart - if her daughter likes to go there. Just not as a christmas gift or a main one at that.

I hate it - but my daughter likes to go there and buy things for her crafts - beads for bracelets, or other things she is making. Which is cool with me. But i would not give her a walmart gift card for christmas. I would get her something more special from the heart.

Sita Tara's picture

When will you guys shoot for FC?

Any understanding as to why BM treats her this way? Is BM BP or something? You may have written that before but I can't recall.

How frustrating and heartbreaking it must be to be doing so much for SD while BM does so little (I've been there.) Although in our case winning custody changed things in ways I could not have foreseen. So I will caution you that if and when you do get FC, your road with SD's healing will just be beginning.

I think if you request SD receive counseling, and BM refuses, you would have a very strong reason to go to court. Even if BM tries to claim SD is making it all up, which is what happened in our case, I always thought, "Well then BM, why wouldn't you want to take your kid to a counselor to find out why they are "making up" things about you????" Either way, BM looks selfish and uncaring for not wanting to find out what's going on with her daughter.

Good luck NS. Your SD is very lucky to have you in her life, and I'm happy for you that she seems to really understand that.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra