3 months this week since SD came to live with us--review
Well, the time has gone by pretty quickly, we're on week 12 of SD15 living with us, and it hasn't been easy. We just had court last week, and it's official though BM has yet to return all the CS from the last 3 months which she is court ordered to do. As I've mentioned, most of my problems have been with BF, and his lack of parenting her. To his credit, he has not interfered with MY parenting of her in any way, nor has SD given my any attitude or grief about the ways in which I have reigned her in. But I have become resentful of having to do all I do. I am not her parent, and yet I am literally calling all the shots with regard to her. I have to tell BF how to handle her, how to discipline, what she can and can't do, and to me, it's almost like having two kids. I have always said that I am happy to be a strong female role model, someone to guide her, someone to influence challenge and support her, but I did not want to be her mom. She has a mom, and she isn't a small child incapable of having a nuanced relationship.
So the strain on my relationship with BF is apparent. We have discussed splitting up. It is not just the parenting issues, but also his just lack of mature decision making, which is highlighted by the fact that he is a parent. It irks me greatly that I have to be the responsible adult/parent, I have no children of my own, yet somehow it's obvious to me what the right thing is to do and so mysterious to him.
I have talked to him about these things, and he says he will make changes. I have seen some, he took SD to the orthodontist one day this week, and then to dinner, which was nice and addressed one of his complaints about the situation, namely b/c I only work part time I am the one who spends the majority of the time with SD, and that, coupled with the fact that she's a young woman who enjoys doing girl things with me, shopping, crafts, etc. he feels left out. but instead of pushing forward with his relationship, trying harder, maximizing his time with her, he withdrew and basically pouted, leaving me even MORE the sole parent, which frustrated me greatly. So the fact he took her out is an improvement, and I hope to see more of that.
As far as SD goes, things are becoming comfortable, and not entirely in a good way. I have been very shocked at her lack of education and huge gaps in her knowledge about history, literature, biology and the arts. I am in no way a math geek at all, so I am not in any position to evaluate her knowledge in that area, but I suspect it is the same. SD is curious, and does ask questions, and listens to SM lecture on various points of critical history at length. Any time I find her unfamiliar with a concept I find important, she is sent on a fact finding mission and must return and explain it to me immediately. She is accepting of these directives, and actually finds them interesting, so I guess I'm good there.
the problem I am running into though, is that I believe we have given her too much freedom. She went from very rigid rules and limits at her mother's house, to pretty much the opposite here. She has rules and responsibilities, mainly to be a good student and a good citizen in our family, but after that, her time is her own, and that's where we've hit snags. Because IMing her friends and texting awaits her being done with her other responsibilities, she rushes through those things, with little attention to detail or meticulousness, to get back to her friends. I know some of this is teenager stuff, and it's probably completely normal, but it's not okay with me. Because I am so concerned with the quality of her education, I believe she needs to be more devoted to intellectual and academic curiosity. Hell, I would even be content if she spent her time reading fiction, in the hopes of improving her atrocious spelling and what I consider to be rather limited vocabulary through sheer exposure to words.
She is not a bad kid, she is just a careless one, and has terrible time management skills and does not make good use of her time. We have talked to her about this before, because she wants to do school activities in the fall, and we want her to, however we have told her that because it will be an additional imposition on her time, she needs to be able to show us she can keep up with what she has NOW efficiently before we will allow her to add anything else to the equation. She says she understands this, but things are still half assed at best, if remembered at all, and I find myself in the undesirable position of nagging her to do things, which I loathe. We agreed she does not get her allowance if her chores are not done, but if she doesn't take the trash out, someone still has to, and I end up reminding her, either that or doing it myself. Her clothes sit in the dryer for 3 days, I end up needing it so I fold them and leave them in a hamper on her bed.
So anyway, next week there will be a family meeting, and we will discuss in review what's working and what's not. I hope to go back to work soon, and that, timed with her summer break, is going to make things interesting. I came home once to find her outside with two of her friends (one was a boy) at least they were outside, but I knew of no such friends coming over (she says they just stopped by not announced, but given they text each other every time they sneeze, I find that hard to believe entirely). I'm worried about the lack of supervision in my absence....
Anyway, all in all, things with him, not so great, things with her, pretty good all things considered. BM has made no effort to see or contact SD in over 2 months (including responding to SD's emails to her) so I doubt we'll even hear from her again, at least until we send her a bill for 1/2 SD's medical care.
I know I'm lucky to have such an agreeable kid, but there's always room to improve.
- northernsiren's blog
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My friend
you have offered me so much help and given me so much good advice that I feel desperate to help you- I hope I can
It sounds like you have a few decisions to make, IF you leave, then preparing BF for his life with his daughter (alone)seems like a good idea, if you stay then BF still will need to be the dad/parent, he needs to be pushed/poked/cattle prodded into it.
teenagers are tough (needless to say) even though BF doesnt interfere with your "rules" he needs to help enforce them. I think a list of rules and consequences can help IF everyone is on board with it.
is it possible to find a summer camp for SD to go to??
I think it will get worse before it gets better but I do believe it will get better (after she is married and moved away lol)
most importantly is to make sure you take care of your needs.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
thanks SB it's a two way street!
You and I became friends b/c we are similar in many relevant ways. BTW check out your new astrology thing on facebook, our signs are even similar! You too have helped and supported me in many important ways.
As to the current situation, my mom says the same thing, "I wish I had an answer" to which I reply "but I'm not asking a question, I'm just stating the facts" I am doing the best thing I can for the situation, trying to have patience, to help him be a father to her, regardless of my choice to stay or go, and investing time and energy into who I am, my spirit, my soul, and focusing on my needs. Ultimately if the relationship can't handle that, it wasn't meant to be.
I so appreciate your ongoing support sweetie, I have little doubt I will need more of it before all is said and done!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
always here
I will check that out!
ya know I almost threw in there that I think you got a good head on your shoulders and you will figure out the best thing to do, but I didnt want it to sound flippant.
I am just an email away or FB comment/wall to wall
"These are the seasons of emotion
And like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion-
I see the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient-
Upon us all a little rain
must fall."
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
nothing flippant about it
I didn't live through the crap I've lived through just to be afraid to make choices for myself, even tough ones, now. No point in fighting for a life you're too afraid to live....
That's my favorite led Zep song
Ain`t so hard to recognize-
These things are clear to all from
time to time
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I thought you would like it ..and I thought it was appropos
hard choices suck btw..
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
course they do :P
otherwise they'd be called happy fun time.
(I say that all the time when someone says work sucks)
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
i know I know...
and in a perfect world I would be 5'10" and 110 lbs lol
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."
aww...it sounds like you are
aww...it sounds like you are a great influence in that girls life, and if her mother has abandoned her, you are all she's got
I hope you and your BF find a way to work it out.
"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"
it's true and I hate it
it shouldn't be me picking up the pieces. He's been her dad for 15 yrs, I've barely known her on weekends for 2. Why is it on me? It's more than I signed on for, and it's just not fair. He proclaimed to be this devoted dad, to want her with him more than anything full time, well now he's got it and it seems like he'd rather be the guy who SAYS that than the guy actually walking the walk. I lost massive respect for him upon that conclusion....
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
Wow, after reading your post
Wow, after reading your post it was like I was reading about myself. My SD who is 10 came to live with us in September. It has become obvious that I am the sole care giver. Like yours, my DH doesn't interfer with my decissions but then he doesn't do anything on his own. I am the one who took initiative to get her into the dentist because neither of her bio parents gave two cents. I am the one who gets her ready for school every morning or helps her with her homework at night. She doesn't even ask her dad for anything it is always me she comes too. Then, every once in a while I will make a decission and forget to tell him and he gets pissy because I didn't include him or my favorite is when he isn't paying attention and I tell him and then gets pissy and claims that I didn't tell him.
My biggest piss off is that he wanted her to live with us, yet I am getting all the responsibility and using my free time to parent and my free money to pay for things and all he seems to be doing is going a long for the ride. I am just pissed because I just dropped a good chunk of my money on her denstist bill and my DH didn't even offer to help. Hello I didn't produce this child why the hell should I be paying for her with all my time and money. I have forgotten what it is like to come home after work and relax in front of the tv for a couple of hours without being disturbed.
I can't imagine it will get easier cdn :(
I too, shell out my money for extras for her. I GENUINELY like her and care about her, and I like her company 90% of the time except when I want to be completely alone, i.e. no one around, doesn't matter who it is. I am lucky in that BF does recognize all I do, and is appreciative, however I don't want the words, I want the man to step to the plate and be the father he claims he wants to be for this girl, and don't use my ability to bond with and relate to her as an excuse not to bother or not to have to! Makes me very sad for her, and very angry at him and of course that affects our relationship.... not good.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
That is it exactly, I adore
That is it exactly, I adore my SD and she is constantly telling me she loves me and wishes that I was her real mother. My DH is always telling me what a great job I am doing and sending me notes on how lucky he and SD are to have me. But like you I don't need the words I want him to take action to make decissions. I love my alone time, I need it to recharge and I haven't gotten it in so long I miss it. There are some days I wish I was single so I could just be by myself. I would just like to shake DH and say you wanted this I am just here to support you, not take on all the responsibility.
I just wish I knew what to do to get them to see that they are digging themselves a grave.
I wish that more and more cdn
had a lovely weekend at home not that long ago of going out and being with old friends, and let me tell you, it was a hell of a lot more fun than arguing with him, and making meals I don't even eat.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
There is a weekend in
There is a weekend in September that I look forward to every year, it is when DH goes out of town to watch football in another city and he is gone for 3-4 lovely days. I get to hang with friends or just be by myself doing what I want to do. It is my favorite vacation. I guess I am a little luckier than you as SD's BM has her for visitations and I am going to send her there for that weekend because I need a vacation from everyone. I just wish it was September now.
I suggest, if you could get away for a few days and leave your BF and SD by themselves to show your BF what it takes and put it all on him. I did this once and the effect lasted a couple of weeks where DH was a little more responsible however I am thinking it is almost time again to do it.