New to the step parent gig... Advice needed.
Hello everybody,
I'm not exactly sure how I found this place but I'm glad I did. Perhaps someone could shed some light on a couple issues I'm having.. First of all let's start with me, the relationship, and some details...
I am a 23 year old that works as the director of internet marketing and runs the internet side of a motorcycle dealership. I was going to a state college for a BA in biology but since I started this relationship I've had to stuff that dream in a sack for a while and go to a community college to get my EMT certificate in hopes of getting on with the fire department and making more money quicker.
I have been in a relationship for six months with a 32 year old attorney with a 5 year old daughter and has been seperated from her husband for 2 years. She is finally finishing her divorce now, we're probably a couple months out still. We have her daughter every other week.
The weeks that her daughter are here are horrible, it seems that stress levels are dangerously high all of the time.. I think this stems from the lack of respect her daughter has for all things, the lack of discipline she has been given, and the fact that when the daughter is awake, every minute of the day is her time, she can't not have something to do for any period of time, she will literally whine and cry that she's bored. When given choices of things she can do she says they're all boring and she wants something fun to do. She enjoys these activities normally, just not when she's been over stimulated by something else for any amount of time. She's disrespectful in public, it's horrible going into public with her. She doesn't respect people's personal space, she's loud, and like I said, everything has got to be on her time. Zero patience. She gets attention in the wrong ways, purposfully doing irrational things or being destructive for attention, which she is shown 100% of her awake time in this world.
Up until recently she was being tucked into the master bedroom's bed by Mom in a process taking up to an hour or more. While we went to bed downstairs on a couch.. I said I that I had had enough of that and that she has her own room which she needs to be sleeping in.. I even went to my storage unit and got her a TV and DVD player so it wouldn't seem so lonely. She still will wake up sometimes and come into the bed with us.. I simply let Mom know that the bed is for grown-ups and that if the rules change then I'll be downstairs on the couch. Other than that... The second she wakes up typically she's straight into our bed in the mornings.. Which is my que to leave for coffee, breakfast, or work. Now I think she knows that I don't agree with her in bed cause the second I get up to go downstairs to get ready for work she's in bed with Mom.. Soo even if I was just going downstairs to use the restroom and had plans on coming back up to snuggle with my fiance, I choose not to. I'm sorry but I'm not going to be in a bed with someone else's kid. Not going to happen.
Also, there's an issue with the biological father (the ex husband) I feel that my fiance and his relationship is.. Confusing to say the least. She seems to keep a lot of emotional investment in what he thinks, and is upset or pissed off at him too often for my liking. She says I just need to support her, but it's increasingly difficult to support her when she's butt-hurt over someone else. Especially when that someone else is someone that she shouldn't even be caring about what they think. I'm new to this so I'm not sure if that's a big deal or not, it just seems odd to me that they're not adult enough to stay professional about the relationship they have, just to get through life knowing one another and dealing with the daughter they created. Then sometimes "dad" sends pictures of the Daughter via text to my fiance's phone, and I just wonder if this is normal, healthy relationship distance for a couple that's been seperated for 2 years. Every night whoever has the daughter for that week calls or vis versa for a "good night call" the daughter is obviously over these good night calls, because you can't hardly even get her to pay attention to the phone, let alone use it properly, and every conversation is exactly the same.. Mom or Dad repeatedly saying the same three or four things just to hear the kid say it back.. It's aggravating as all hell to hear. I am kind of wondering whether or not I want to be a biological parent with this woman. She wants another baby, but she's got an over grown baby already, I don't trust her daughter and I don't trust my fiance's parenting skills. Unless her daughter's behavior issues are rooted in detatchment anxiety issues.. Or if she's just been ignored her entire life..
There's probably more to this. I guess I can get to it later I should probably get some work done.
Your entire post is a giant
Your entire post is a giant red flag.
Why so?
Why so?
If by good listener you mean
If by good listener you mean someone that gets defensive and shuts down, then yeah.. She's a great listener, all she ever says is.. "Soo, what you think I'm a bad Mom?" and about the ex she always says "Soo, what you don't have any faith in me? You don't trust me? You don't believe me?"
I don't know, she's just not the person I met and fell in love with anymore.. Which sucks, because I feel that I found my soulmate.. Too late in the game, but had I met her 6 years ago before she had her kid and got into the horrible marriage that she was in.. I would have been too young for her. It was soo close to being meant to be, I'm just confused as to why I ended up in this relationship and how I became soo emotionally invested if it was going to end up like this. It was a total bait and switch in my head.
I think you're too far in,
I think you're too far in, too quick.
This little girl runs the house because mom is letting her. If she wont put her foot down, see how she reacts if you put yours down. You dont want SD sleeping in the bed with you. {I completely understand this, I didn't want SS sleeping in our bed either because it was weird to have a child not related to me in bed with me. But I also dont want our BD to sleep in our bed now. Tho my husband constantly will put her in your bed at night. My solution was a little mat at the foot of our bed. We told SS and our D figured out that if they wake up and are scared or whatever, they can come into our room and lay on the sleeping bag mat. I suggest implementing that option for your sanity as well. And explain to FSD, you need to sleep in your room like big girls you've age, and if you do wake up in the middle of the night or early morning- you can come lay on this lil blanket here in our room. You can't climb into our bed anymore because they're isnt enough room for 2 adults and a big girl like you.
I do think your SO is more interested in what her ex says than what you say- so that in of itself is a red flag. Co-parenting, where everybody can get along like one big happy family only works if the parents are friendly-which clearly they are not. They need a strict CO and to follow that exactly, no if ands or buts- or both parties will be angry all the time. For SD, she needs to set up rules for her house because SDs dad is not there to do it anymore. If she doesn't know what to do, offer suggestions, there's also parenting classes; basically support her. And full custody doesnt mean completely losing out, since the situation is split 50-50, they'll likely try to keep it about the same unless there's some reason why Dad shouldn't get SD more (if so, then you'll only be SD free EOW-every other weekend). So it'll be either school and vacation parent or longer splits, switching monthly instead of weekly (which is probably in the best interest of the child at 5- every other week gets confusing).
Also discuss all this with your fiance. What does she expect you to do in the house? Just be a money spot or an equal partner? If its the later, then you'll have to agree on everything exclusively between you two and if its the first, then run out now.
Good luck.
This situation really does
This situation really does sound ugly...EVERYthing about it.
The relationship between your gf & her ex doesn't sound like it's finished. There is too much bantering & emotional interaction.
The child is 5, which means you have at least 13 more years to endure this, & that's if your gf is willing to cut the strings when her daughter becomes an adult. There's no guarantee that will happen.
There is a serious need for boundaries, both between your gf & her daughter (the rules regarding the adult bed) & between your gf & her ex in order for things to improve.
As for the little girl...she's 5. Children that young typically aren't respectful of other people's things. They throw tantrums, & they want to be entertained. She wants to be in the big bed with the grown-ups. That's typical 5-year old behavior. HOWEVER, she needs to be taught to behave properly & respect people's space, time, & things. She needs to be taught to entertain herself sometimes. That will only happen if your gf is willing to teach her & create those boundaries.
The petty bickering about her not being willing to switch weekends out of's stupid & that attitude is going to create more waves than peace in the situation. She needs to get over herself & not let her bitterness make issues that wouldn't otherwise be there. Steplife is difficult, even when everyone is on the same page. The adults need to behave like adults.
If there are issues between her & the ex that have been pushed into corners & swept under rugs, they need to deal with those & hash them out before moving forward. No need to drag that crap into new relationships.
First off let me say welcome!
First off let me say welcome! I joined this site about a year and a half ago and it has helped me deal with my situation immensely! I am 27, and my husband is 31. We met when I was 21 and his daughter was not quite 2 1/2 years old. He was still married but he had filed for divorce about 3 months before we met. Unfortunately I had to wait about a year for it to be finalized!! His daughter had slept in the bed with him up until that point. When we moved in together just 4 short months later, that definitely came to a halt. Granted we moved into a new place and she now had her own bedroom. She would wake up in the night and my DH would just walk her back to her room and lay on her floor until she fell asleep. I hated weekend mornings in the beginning because she would just come in and jump in his side of the bed and he would let her stay there until he got up. I like to sleep naked so I was highly uncomfortable to say the least!! I would have to wait until they left the room before I could even get out of the bed. That went on for a while until she just grew out of it maybe around 3 1/2-4 years old. Then she just began to come into our room and stand there pulling on Daddy's arm until he got up to feed her breakfast. Now at 8 years old my SD doesn't even set foot in our bedroom really. Last year my husband told her she is not to enter our bedroom freely, it is our private place, and not a play room. I also can understand the annoyance of a loud and rude child in is embarrassing and I feel that it is a product of a spoiled child. Children that act that way are obviously not reprimanded for their actions because if they knew there was a consequence chances are they wouldn't act that way in the first place. My SD will occasionally pull that crap in public but she knows better because her Dad doesn't put up with it. I am lucky in that my husband always disciplines his daughter and doesn't let her get away with acting like a brat. But she definitely does spout off with it on occasion and I honestly think it is because her Mom and her Grandma let her get away with murder. She runs rampant at her Mothers house and is never punished when she is bad. Her grandma (My Mother in law) allowes my SD to back talk and just talk to her like crap and she never disciplines her. And regarding the child that always cries SD still to this day would like us to entertain her 24/7 if we were willing. She has a room full of toys, a television with a dvd player, but she would always rather play a game with her Dad and I or she wants to play video games or watch tv on our big screen in the living room. It is frustrating! I don't know why these children are so needy. I remember playing by myself all the time when I was little! My parents were not my constant play things. UGH! To put it simply it is just not an easy job being a step parent. In fact it is one of the hardest jobs I have ever had. There are resentments that pop up, jealousy, and anger at times. And when the ex of your spouse is uncooperative it makes it that much worse. The birth mother that I have to deal with is a nightmare and nothing is ever easy. I noticed you said you had to give up your schooling. You are already making sacrifices at the young age of 23 for your partner who likely had her time to be there and do that. Is that something you will grow to resent? I know for me, I struggled a lot with the things I gave up to live with my husband and his child. I was just 21 with the whole world at my finger tips!! It was hard to give up partying with my girlfriends and coming and going whenever I pleased without ever having to consider anyone elses feelings or wishes. This site helped me because I am able to vent and say things that might be hurtful if I were to say them out loud to my husband. It is nice to know there are other step parents out there that can relate and won't (usually) judge you. If you love your partner will find a way to make it work. My husband and I broke up 4 times within our first 2 years together but we made it through those tough times and that makes me believe we are meant to be together. It took compromise and effort on both ends. You need to meet in the middle. I am glad we waited until our 5 year anniversary to get engaged because we were able to work through a wholllle lot of issues before we tied the knot. I would suggest you tell your girlfriend exactly how you feel about the situation! If you pretend all is well you will eventually blow up one day from holding it all in. You are definitely not alone and I hope you find some relief here. GOOD LUCK!!!!!
You shouldn't stuff your
You shouldn't stuff your dreams in a sack for ANYONE!!! You will regret & resent. You are only your life. Find someone without baggage that you can start a life with and have all of your firsts together. If you are only 6 months in, get out now while you still can! Take it from someone who wishes they would have done things differently.
I'm so confused!!! It sounds
I'm so confused!!! It sounds like you are living together? After 6 months? WHAT!? She is no longer the person you fell in love with?? After 6 MONTHS?! And you think you have invested too much time? You are in the honeymoon phase, if you are out of love, get OUT.
Listen to hippiegirl. You are too young to be worried about this crap. There are plenty of great single girls your age out there without kids, or even single moms who don't have ex issues and have wonderful kids. Marriage is forever, and you can't even take 6 months. RUN