SD 15 money is so presumptive w money
Damn, I did it to myself again. My SD 15 used to never stop asking me for stuff. It was effectively pointed out to me here on this sight that though she may, in fact, be off the chain, it was my fault for not nipping it in the bud. And true that was so I am now very good at saying "ask your dad", " gee sounds great, ask ur dad", (we have sep finances for kids. I pay for my 2 bio's, he pays for her,. They all live w us and not one of them are hurting for anything). Anyway, she asked if i could run her to the drugstore for some face cream. I really dont like feeling petty and what the hell, its just face cream. I knew better than to actually go in bcz once in the requests never stop or worse, u meet up at the reg and she has 8 lbs of useless crap in her hands. So off we go, i hand her a 20 and say, "i want my change missy". She comes back to the car w a bag of stuff and 3 bucks. I take it and she says "thats MY change!" Apparently she got so carried away she actuallyhad to throw down ten of her ownn. Yea there's a lot of ways to approach that. Tell her why its wrong (my kids dont ask her father for anything and they wldnt presume w my money eitger). She think shes entitled cuz shes a kid or something. Yea i cld talk to her. Ive tried. Screw it. So another long ass dry spell til i take her somewhere again. Its not the 20, its the audacity. Shes totally weird about money and has no boundries.
Her dad could make her earn
Her dad could make her earn back the money for the extra stuff from her little adventure. I wouldn't take her next time.
I wont take her for a while.
I wont take her for a while. Til i forget again.