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paying for sd college!!!? #*^#*

karin's picture

Please can I get some advice on how to deal with this. .. sd and bm are adamant that sd Enrol in very very expensive college to do a foundation year. . This sd did not Even achieve a school grade to enroll in a diploma or certificate course.. my partner is ready to deplete or savings to facilitate this or draw down on a loan!!! and it's driving me crazy. . There are alternatives that I have explored that can achieve more positive results for this will require that she come live with us but at least there would be a realistic value attached as far as her career goals and the affordability and support we can give her. . But we cannot get the sd or bm to budge. .. I'm feeling really mad and. . Really just mad about this.. Please please can I get some feedback on how to deal with this or come to terms with this situation. ...

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I can see what you are saying, but OP noted that this was a very, very expensive school! Sounds like it is some high dollar private college. If all SD wants to do right now is get her base courses in while she figures out what she wants to do, there are many, more cost effective ways of doing it. You don't have to go to a top school for those base course...many kids go to less expensive junior colleges for that. BS19 is not going to his first choice...his first choice was a private division I university...a school that cost at least 2-3x what the school will cost that he is actually going to will. He is still getting a very high quality education, still playing football, and still has a chance at the NFL Draft, but for like $30,000/year instead of $100,000/year...all by going to a small division II college. Only thing he gives up is being on TV on Saturdays. How is that being paid for? Part scholarship, part grant, part student loan...and we will take out a parent student loan if the prior don't cover it all...but it should.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Here's a link to the financial aid application deadlines: It's already passed in some states, so DH better get crackin' at filling that application out! No shame in having to get a student shame at all! Otherwise, unless it is in their custody and child support orders, BM can't force DH to do anything!

Sparklelady's picture

I'd be upset about depleting OUR savings - but I put myself through university, so I have a very low tolerance for parents paying for kids. I honestly don't believe any kid should have a free ride in anything, because without having to work for it, where's the incentive to do well?

Sorry I don't have anything truly useful to offer, I hope you will be able to work something out you can all stomach!

tired and stressed's picture

Kids are not entitled to have their college paid for. I think that if someone has to take a loan out, it should be the 18 year old adult.
My skids are getting their college paid for, only because it was part of the divorce agreement. BM came from money and always had everything paid for. They do not have "skin in the game" and flunking a class or having to do an extra semester so they can screw around one of the semesters, means nothing to them because it is being paid for. My MSS was supposed to graduate in the summer, he had 2 more liberal art classes to take. He didn't think he was ready to graduate, so he is going to take another internship and then graduate in Dec instead. His apt was paid for through Aug anyway, so not a big deal, but know we have to pay for another year (only do 1 year leases) and hope he can sublet the spring and summer. But why not, they know everything has to be paid for, so why go into the real world. If they are responsible for the bill, they will finish in a timely fashion and go to a reasonably priced school.
You can always help out on the payments, say for good grades.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah, there is no way we could pay for BS19's college. We are hoping he gets enough in aid/loans that we don't have to get our own loan. That way, he will not have to transfer his job, and can concentrate on his classes and football...I would put money in his account for gas and extras, since he will have a food card and he MUST live on campus at this school...especially if you are on the football team. They like to keep a tight reign on their players...they make them check in in the cafeteria to make sure they are up, eating breakfast, and ready for class every morning; they communicate with all the professors to make sure you are in your classes and doing the work (professor/student ratio is 1:18); every student is assigned a mentor; if your grade falls below a certain GPA, you have mandatory tutorials; etc. $30,000/year for all that...and they provide the student a laptop for their use while they are enrolled! They take pride in their high graduation rate, and their reputation for putting adults out in the world who are hard working and have good character!

Modernworld1011's picture

Totally agree with you! There are loans for school, but there are no loans for retirement. I have both my own child and step children, and I will not allow any of them to drain my retirement for university. I never would want to have to burden any of them in my elder years for a place to live or cash because their father and myself used up all the money for school. I have no problem helping out, but I have no problem drawing a line with regard to limits. Sadly, so many parents seem to have this guilt thing that interprets out to owing their last cent to their kids. I do not see the point of this at all. My parents told me what they could afford and that was that. It was then up to me to decide if I wished to take loans or work to go to an expensive school. I ended up working and between not going to a private school and my parents helping I was able to graduate without debt. My parents retired without worry or need. I work in the field of my choice in the job that I had hoped to have all on a state school education. So much is put on needing to go to an uber expensive school, and it simply is not necessary. A good education in a field where there are at least some jobs and effort seems to work as well as the private school counterpart in most cases and no one has to figure out how to pay the six figure loan bill.

Modernworld1011's picture

I did the same kept the money separate, but what do you do when they use up all of their money on their guilt and associated foolishness and stick you with all the bills that they would normally be sharing? I worry that the separate accounts is not enough.

thinkthrice's picture

Yep, I would NEVER marry daddykins; everything is separate. I love Mr. Guilty Daddy's cognitive dissonance though. He told me yet again how LUCKY I am to have him in my house to fix things--ALL that $$$ SAVED on contractors.

No mention though on how his 1K a month in CS; all the extra utilities, detergent to wash his massive carharts in, elaborate meals, all the money he wastes by not taking care of his tools--just going out and buying new ones on my dime--me paying ALL the household expenses and 99% of the remodeling materials COSTS more money than just hiring a contractor. Not to mention waste of MY time playing his maid and secretary and the emotional abuse and drama!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

If that is all they mean by "foundation year", community college! That is what it is there for...and she could work while she goes to school that way. Pay 10's of thousands for what? Because she pissed away her high school years being a brat? For her to potentially piss away this "foundation year" and actually never end up going to college for a degree?

karin's picture

Thanks for all your feedback so far. .a little more insight this child has acheived so little at an expensive top school and bm and sd always blame the teachers..the foundation course is a prep year.. And in essence tuition for 2 days a week for a conservative estimate of 8000.00 pounds..just for tuition costs..the sd's idea of work is voluntary work. . Not paid! My idea to bring her to live with us and to assist her with a diploma course in vet nursing which she can do online with some prac and work experience with a local surgery here...Her father says he had said we will pay for the expensive college so he is obliged to. ..I feel different. . And really need help in finding some peace with this when I just can't rationalise it myself. . My bd had taken a loan to study her uni degree and I pay a weekly amount within my means towards her accommodation costs. .

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I would look at him and say, "what's this we junk? You agreed! You cannot commit my income to your child's needs! I'll tack my half of the savings, put it in my own account, and you do as you please with your's. You can get a loan in your name only and pay for it with you income only, given there is enough left after your share of the household bills!"

karin's picture

Thank you. .I have just used some of your words in a text to my partner. .I just wish he had the balls to stand up to the bm and sd.. This had put a wedge between us and I'm resentful that I've allowed them to affect and potentially damage this wonderful relationship we've had so far

karin's picture


Calypso1977's picture

here's the thing tho.

yes, its "his" money, but at the end of the day, him using "his" money means less he can then contribute to "their" home, life, marriage, etc.

i tried explaining this once to my cousin who had a spendthrift wife (now ex, surprise surprise). she insisted on buying this insane SUV that had a near $900 a month car payment. i was like why would you let her buy that? and he said "is her money, she works and makes the payments on it". so they were "forced" to live in a trailer because they could never save enough for a house. so yes, she paid for her car with "her" money, but "they" as a couple and family (there were 2 kids involved) still suffered overall.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Thank You! And you have those that are really big about the "our" factor. DH is that way, and he actually gets mad at me for calling things mine! Like MY cars...he hates that they are MY cars! I tell him, "I pay for the Forrester out of MY paycheck. I paid for the STi out of MY paycheck until I paid it off, and any repairs I've done on it have come out of MY paycheck or MY bonuses! That is why they are MY cars! Your car is YOUR car!" But the way he sees it, in his mind, once the money goes into the bank account it is OUR money, and anything that is bought with it is OURS!! I find that this is usually the thinking of the person contributing the least to the picture, or the one who wants to have control of everything. Sorry...what is mine is mine, and what is yours is yours. I get that a marriage is supposed to bring two people together to become one, but that doesn't mean that the people have to give up their identities and their personal belongings to the other people! And yes, I don't think it is right that one person spends all their money and leaves the couple/family living in a crap place. Now, I take my home as serious as other we have a descent place. Bad thing is, DH will spend, spend, spend his money, and then wonder why we can't upgrade on, it's because I'm not paying for the upgrade! DH is maxed out on his incoming and outgoing funds, so much so, that I recently figured out all of SD14's extras have been coming out of MY income! Yeah...that is stopping, and I'm keeping a closer eye on things!

Yes, a marriage means that you should work together, and that you both should contribute the the household and the needs of the children...the children that are BOTH of your responsibility. Anything we do for steps should be out of the goodness in our hearts, and not assumed as an entitlement, especially when we are given no say in any other part of the child's life (i.e., enforcement of rules, discipline, etc).

Calypso1977's picture

well and things like paying for college or any other expense for step OR bio or anyone else for that matter, shoudl only be done if it can actually be afforded.

yes, you can argue that he's paying cash if its coming from savings and its not putting them into debt. but no way in hell would i sacrifice my financial well being, particularly my retirement, for any child - bio or otherwise - for something like college or my personal pet peeve a wedding. and here's the thing. with everyone going to college now, a bachelor's doesnt mean that much. save the $$ and the big name school for your master's degree. perform really well at an affordable state school and you just might get scholarships for grad school. or you do what i did and work FT and take 2 classes a semester, at night, to earn that grad degree.

karin's picture

So to answer some questions. ..I am the primary earner in our relationship and i confess.. i am guilty too of wanting to have control..I have worked hard for all I have managed to accumulate since escaping an abusive exhusband of 18 years ..i have since put myself through a full time degree while working full time and raised two challenging children of my own! I love my new partner dearly. . He was my teenage sweetheart of 25 years ago..and this whole scenario upsets me more because of how the sd and ex are taking advantage and manipulating him and how his level of guilt and responsibility are clouding his rationale...and yes he can pay out of his money. . But his contributions to bills etc is negligible. . And there are things I was so hoping we could do too..i want him to buy me flowers sometimes or take me out for a meal. .. the sd and ex suggested we sell our boat to pay for the college. . And honestly that would not cover the costs involved so my inclination to even throw them a crust is gone. . However I'm at the point now where I just want it done and spoke to my partner this morning about just paying this amount now but that be the end of it. .. so hopefully having the opportunity to vent this with you all helps me find some peace and support this time. ..I am so grateful for all your input it has helped me look at it all from different angles... Thank you

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I really truly hope it works out for you. The only thing I can offer at this point...if the SD and BM are truly as manipulative as you say they are, do you really truly think that if you pay this amount now and say it is the end, that it will truly be the end? I have lived with a manipulative BM for 14 years now (SD's 15th birthday is tomorrow, and DH and I met right before SD's 1st birthday...BM had already kicked him out, because she wanted to see other guys). We have done things thinking it was going to be the end, but it is NEVER the end, and now that SD is a teenager, she is just as bad as her mother! There is always something else with those two! Shoot, the first time SD14 moved in with us because she got into trouble, she begged DH for just one more month of "child support" (after SD14 had already been living with us a month) because she needed something and her husband wouldn't give her the money. She pestered DH until he gave in! He told her flat out that was is, and she agreed to not bug him any more for money. Sure enough, the next month, again she started bugging him for one more month of "child support". When he refused, she started working on SD14 until SD14 demanded that she go back to living with BM!!! Then, he had both of them on his case 24/7 for months, until SD14 went back to BM's. However, just 5 months later, SD14 gets into big trouble again, and this time, her step-father wants her out of the house, so back to us she comes. BM tries to pull the same "one more month of child support" crap on DH again, but this time he doesn't give in, and BM cannot pull the bit to get SD14 to move back, because her husband does not want the girl living at their house!

I just want you to consider that they may continue to manipulate your partner well into SD's adult years. This is what I'm starting to worry about in my situation...that SD will manipulate DH for years upon years to come, and never really be on her own. Sorry, supporting this child until we die is not in my plans at all, and the more I deflect her manipulation, the more tension I have in my marriage, and I'm about done with the both of them! It isn't worth it!

Calypso1977's picture

there's a reason someone coined the expression "like mother, like daughter"

my SD is a carbon copy of BM. hey, when you live FT with someone their traits and techniques rub off. BM is the queen of manipulation and lazy. SD couldnt have learned from anyone better!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup yup...they also tend to gravitate to what gets the better response. So, if they spend equal time between two types of who works hard to get what they want and treats people with respect, and one who manipulates everyone into giving them their way and gets what they want this day and age, which do you think a teenager is going to pick? It is more likely they will pick the one that doesn't require them to do much work!!

karin's picture

So.. dh and i had a further discussion..he is going to commit to financially support his daughter's further education for 3 years. . We are looking at 8000 pounds per year. . We have decided to split our finances.. He will pay towards the household costs and pay his daughters education costs from his own pay.. so I probably am feeling better about this. .. It makes me sad though that he has been taken advantage of. . That even though he is paying out of his money it will impact our lives in limiting our already tight budget. . And there are more feasible options but sd and bm are too ignorant to even consider them. .I am so grateful my children have taken personal ownership and responsibility for their further studies. With attitudes of realism and maturity.. Their achievements will be all the more sweeter and hopefully they will contribute to society not like sd and bm who will be eternal bludgers.. waiting for the next easy handout or financial sucker to support their whims or something orsomeone to blame their failures on..

karin's picture

I fully agree. . It's just madness! New revrlation to me now is that he intends to support this ludicracy for three years so have now separated our finances. . But the reality is that it will impact us as a couple and our other children regardless. .. it's madness. . But what else can I do. ..

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Good for you separating your finances. It is unfortunate that this will still impact the household. I don't know what it is with these guys that continue to let their ex's and daughters to manipulative them the way they do! It literally sickens me when I see DH allowing it. I want to smack him and tell him to grow a set! My DH also tries to pull my money into the mix, and the ONLY time he tells SD15 and BM no is when I put my foot down and make it completely known that I refuse to fund whatever it is they are asking for this time!

karin's picture

Honestly there is such a sense of entitlement. . And my dh is just folding to bm and sd .. In my opinion if dh or bm were actually prepared To do something responsible for the brat they might stop being her mate and actually put in some realistic boundaries..seems they have bred a monster who is only going to become even more of one. . This bloody sd and bm will rape us of our little savings and dh will just hand it over... and yes he will be taking it out of his pay redraw on aloan wehave topay forit. .but at the end of the day it impacts us and all we hope for and would like to afford.. I'm seriously not sure when our how I'm going to get over this. ..