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i may be wrong

rozylady2's picture

today i started interacting with skids. kinda freaky ss and i had a acutal convo! it was is a little different but am working on it. i will always never trust them but we need to try to be civil to each other for the sake of this family unit. now where i think i may be wrong is i am doing these things by putting them in writing when its problems with skids.i would then forward to H and his mother.Mil never answered back from our falling out so im sure she is angry and apparently never really cared about me in the first i wrong?am i doing this right? H been working and stressing out alot therefore hasnt touched the subject of me and his we shall see what happens. lets the chips fall where they may.

rozylady2's picture

am i wrong to snoop in skids facebook pages due to their being the way they are about me? am i wrong to say if i cant say anything negative about them then they cant be negative about me? like calling me a bitch and having one of her friends call me a dragola? to say something about those comments being on there since sunday! to find out what MIL said and caught her?

rozylady2's picture

oh im sure MIL called h yesterday. he just walked in the door on telephone with her. she such a hypocrite telling me and the kids not to bother him with problems at work and esepcialy while he is working . right everything is very high stressed for him but yet there she was calling him.she also told ss to come over to her house immediately after school so that got me scared. she doesnt know i sent a copy of our convo so he would know exactly what transpired.this morning tho he caught the email about the calling names bit. i wasnt expecting him to deal with it on the spot or anything but he texted me all upset and told me omg in all in big letters to stop with the kids facebook thing that he will deal with it later.told him i`ll stop. i also told him to stop over reacting and that i wasnt expecting him to do anything right now. that i was communicating constructively.he replied back still somewhat upset but atleast chilled out.
i can see your point.just scared im going to get blind sided with something like the divorce thing and h talking to them about if they ok with it. he didn't even say anything to me!jsut got thier approval two selfish screwed emotionally kids.h been acting like nothing happened but i have doubts. is that ok for me to feel that way? he thinks im immature over all this mess.