SD and DH issues
For the past 8 years, I've been in a blended family. I have 2 Skids (SS 15 and SD 19), and I have a 14 yr old DS of my own, who lives with us 100% of the time (his BD is not part of his life by choice). My Skids have gone back and forth between our house and their BM's since I've known them (50/50 custody). We've had issues with boundaries, favoritism of our own kids, control issues regarding how to I should or should not speak to my Skids, and issues with my Skids being gone at their mother's every other week while my DS is always with us. Resentment/negative feelings have been building and communication between my husband and I has broken down. Over the years, in order to avoid blow ups with my DH or hurt feelings on part of my Skids, I've learned to hold my tongue/bottle my feelings. The issues are recurring- especially with my DH's parenting or "coddling" of his kids and tendency to be stricter with my DS. I set rules and expectations of my DS (who is the youngest of the 3 kids), whereas, my husband tends to be more permissive and indirect with parenting his kids. His permissiveness is most obvoius with my 19 yr. old SD. In his eyes, she can do no wrong. She is the oldest, a self-described "adult," but my DH expects more of my 14 yr old DS and my 15 yr old SS than of her. She has never had a job and is always asking my husband for money, although she tells him she feels like a "burden" (a manipulation in my eyes). She's currently home from college and still isn't attempting to find a job. She instead does nothing but sits on her cell phone and monopolizes my DH's ear when he's home. She never cleans up after herself, e.g., leaves her dirty dishes, personal items all over the house, and her bedroom and shared kids' bathroom are like a *bomb* hit with makeup wipes on the floor, etc... I don't say anything to her, and I instead will leave her dishes in the sink or leave her items in front of her bedroom door (she'll just step over them as she enters her room!). She is a complete narcissist (go figure) and lazy, and expects my DH to listen to her rant on and on about herself sometimes for hours on end. It's exhausting and utterly annoying to witness and my DH thinks she's adorable and just giggles at her self-absorbed, scatterbrained stories. I often feel invisible when she's around (which is every minute of our week with my Skids thanks to COVID), and when she's not around, my DH is distant and works later hours away from my DS and I. I apologize if I sound negative or like a jealous wife, but this is the first time in years I've been able to vent to anyone who might relate. I've read about this happening in marriages, especially those with Skids, so I've told my DH that we need to make our marriage a priority with more "date nights" or "adult getaways", but they never happen because the only getaways my DH wants to do are with the whole family. He says he'll do a date night when Skids are at their mom's house, but never when they're with us (my DS would have to stay at grandma's or friend's house, but with COVID, we can't risk it...). What does this lack of prioritizing our marriage tell my DS and Skids regarding where I stand and where they stand in the priority list with my DH? Not to mention modeling how to have a successful marriage. Yes, my DH and I have alot to work on, but he really is a good man whom I love dearly, and I am NOT ready to call it quits. Anyway, I'd love some constructive feedback from those of you who can relate to any of these blended family/SD issues. TIA!
I can relate
Im sure everyone will tell you that you have a DH problem, probably along with a mini-wife and other issues. But i wanted to chime in on the SD who rattles on. My SD58 never stops talking about herself. I disengage and gray rock as much as possible but every once in awhile I get trapped. Het monologues go on endlessly, all her troubles, her aches and pains, how she has been wronged, what the doctor said, what her therapist said, what she saw on FB, what her neighbor did, the bank's mistake, on and on and on. If I'm on the phone. I just hold it away from my ear, it's impossible to say anything and when I try to end it, she just tanks on. We sometimes eat lunch with her and DH and I have usually finished eating before she takes a bite -busy talking. It's boring, thoughtless and selfish. Ultimately, if I had pity left for her, it's sad. Nobody wants to talk to her or listen to her, except DH.
I feel for you.
Your marriage is in a dire
Your marriage is in a dire state at the moment and your DH needs to refocus on it and put some effort in. You made the same mistake I did, ie to bottle my feelings about the SKIDs for years for the sake of not rocking the boat. Believe me, this does not work at all in the long term, you just end up very resentful. Your SD19 will (hopefully) soon be gone - and the others in time, and if DH has only invested in them, not in his marriage, he will have a lonely second half of his life to look forward to. I would suggest marriage counselling as a matter of urgency.
Disengagement from the SKIDs
Disengagement from the SKIDs is the right thing to do which it sounds like you have. Beauty is, they are older now and hopefully will be out of your house and pocket soon enough. Your DH needs to realise that inside your 4 walls is what matters first and foremost and that means making you and your child together happy, before engaging in making the SKIDS happy that, like you say, come and go when they please, leave your house in a mess (i know this feeling very well).
I have the same problem with my DH at times, he was much stricter on our daughter together (a 2.5 year old) more so than he is with his 10 year old (my SS), dont get me wrong, i think finally my DH is starting to see through the nonsense and has become more strict on him, but in the past, it was worse, it used to drive me mad and after SS left i would always address this with him. We just ended up arguing over SKID constantly and I realised that actually, i am not allowing this child or his mother for that fact to control, my home life, my marriage or my time. And therefore I concentrate soley on me, our daughter and DH. When SKID is there, he's there, when he isnt, he isnt, i dont care for anything in between.
Dont let these SKIDS consume you or your life, take control & good luck!
Dh is probably stricter with
Dh is probably stricter with your ds because he has more control since ds is there all the time.
Your ds is old enough to be home by himself for a few hours.
Ignore sd.