
Vivi2121042282's picture

:? Ok my boyfriend has a pre teen 11 year old boy. I do notI know what to do with anymore originally he wanted first met him he wanted me to stay and move in with him and his dad and his 4 year old brother. everything was great he was a well behaved kid. But then his mom found outwho his dad was dating and its been a nightmare. I do not even know how many times I have wanted to move back to my house. The history of my bf and me is we dated for 6 mths in highschool. He broke up with me and we moved on in life. Well I knew his now ex wife from back then and she hated me. I didn't care for her neither. Well she told her son that his dad probably cheated on her with me and we more then likley have stayed in touch this whole time. The funny thing is I was married for 11 yrs and have a 3 yr myself and we never stayed in touch. So now this kid is being disrepectful he has hit me on my head, has punched the windows in my truck because I refuse to say sorry for Covington attitude when he was disrepectfully. I am to the point were I do not care for this kid and his dad does nonerhing from what I see but tells me he talks to him. This kid has told his father I hate you and your family and do not want to be a part of this family. I want to be with my mom. He has told me so many times he wants me out of his life and his house. I have told this kid you have pushed me to my limit and I am done with you. I hate to say this but my attitude has changed towards this kid. I have found myself nip picking on him and not meaning to but I just do not like him. I have never in my life and I am 31 now ran into such a rude disrespectful child that is only nice to me when he wants something in my whole life. If that was me at his age my mother would of killed me. Are last fall out for this child and muyself was on Tuesdayof this past week.
Since then dad has not really talked to me and we have are kkids the same week. Well it happens to be we are kid free this weekend and last night I asked if he would like to go with me to drop off my lol one to her dads house he told me no it would be a waste of time. Do I walked out and took my lol one. I get home 1 hour later since its a 30 min drive there and back home. He is not home nor does he text me to tell me he is going out. So st 930 I texted him and asked him if he would like me to go home to my house. He got hone at 1030. We talked he says I overreacted and he wanted him time. Ok. Then he says he needs to talk to me that he does not like how I treat his kids and from now I have no say in how to punish or anything with his I said fine then you can't say things to my daughter. Then that heneeds to go to family consuling with his son, his ex wife and him. So now I am ok.I know his son need help not only emotional but behavioral help from someone. But if we are trying to be a blended or mixed family how is excluding me going to yeah your child I am there unless you don't want me there. Please help me in changing towards his some as for I don't want to be mean to him and your opinion on my situation. I need advise help please

kathc's picture


He's not willing to do anything about his kid HITTING YOU and PUNCHING YOUR WINDOWS?!? He's showing you where you place and it's LAST.

hereiam's picture

Sometimes, it just doesn't work. Find someone who is willing to make it work, he's not.

Orange County Ca's picture

So its 100%. Move out this weekend if necessary to a motel and back into your house.

Some asked for advise. These step parent situations rarely work out and my advise is to wait until your kid is grown and find someone who has no children in the home, not even grown ones.

Should you find yourself unable to be without male companionship follow these simple rules from the day you meet his kids: