Done with the insanity
I swear to God my blood is boiling. It's official: I cannot even make myself a pot of coffee to enjoy when I wake up with SS15 wreaking havoc on the house with that, too. This kid is an absolute mess. I think he is abusing drugs due to his mood swings, lack of personal care, filth in his room, hygiene, etc. It is literally like having a 5 year old (only 5 years old generally like to help when they think they are helping out.) SS15 suddenly "forgot" how to do laundry.....took him over 4 hours to dry his clothes (which still weren't put away when he left for school today) because he aparently took the load out of the washer before the spin cycle. Today, he helped himself to coffee which started brewing at 6:00 AM - and apparently took the carafe out while it was still brewing. Found coffee in my drawers because he tried to clean it up with towels and a bedsheet - which he crumbled back and put in the closet. I literally cannot even have 1 ounce of peace when this kid is over. And then I get informed he is coming back in two days. I think a trip to see my daughter is in order. I cannot seem to get my husband to see that this goes WAYYYYY beyond being a brat...... I am at the end of my rope with the insanity. Am I over-reacting????
I'll bet you are right - even
I'll bet you are right - even with the SDs being sometimes out there (normal teenage stuff) they wouldn't have these issues.
Have you scoured his room for evidence? While I was, and am, disengaged from SD14 I would periodically check her room for moldy food, rotting clothing, towels, etc. I still will take care of my overall home.
As for clean up, what does your husband do? Does he just ignore it assuming you will clean it up? Take care of your SS's laundry? I would fully assign your DH for all cleanup, no matter how bad or how small. I think you need to leave for an extended period for your DH to see the problem and to have him be the sole caretaker of SS.
Yes, I just done going
Yes, I just done going through his room. I found some suspicious looking dirt-like things but they don't smell. Could be magic mushrooms for all I know! My DH spends the entire day watching the sloth-like actions of SS15 on Sunday before they go back to BM and invariably we see something he forgot. By the following week when they come back, my DH forgives and forgets. Yesterday there was no school and got informed by the skids they werent going back to their BMs and they "told" my DH. My DH never had the conversation and had no he plays right into being lied to as well. He was in fact livid. And livid this morning as well. I always struggle with disengaging and putting this in DH's lap.