Can I just come here and scream for a moment?
Okay, so my stepchild is a teen whom I have been raising since the toddler years. I do love said stepchild but I think it is only to an extent. I have always had a hard time separating sc from the biomom. They look so much like her and ACT so much like her, UGH! I can NOT stand bm... she has caused NOTHING but problems in our lives, all these years. I am now at the point, with sc being in their teen years that I am just so beyond ready for them to move out of my house! I can NOT wait for them to be gone! SC is NOT a bad child, that's the kicker. Rather good child for the most part, can be mouthy at times but nothing major. Definitely immature though and lots of fighting with siblings (my children.) Has hurt me and my children (verbally) several times over the years though. I have HAD ENOUGH! Does this make me a horrible person? A horrible parent? I just cannot stand to have this child around anymore though. They are about to go visit biomom for a month and a half and while I am dreading whatever we may have to deal with upon return, I cannot freaking wait to have them gone for a while. And this makes me feel awful! I pray to God to teach me how to love sc again and it's not helping, can't even stand to be around them some days. Not to mention sc is kind of dumb and careless which = lots of stupid mess-ups and mistakes which lead to annoyed Mom lol Very hard to love this person. I realize my rambling isn't making sense grammatically but I am trying to keep as much anonymity as possible. It feels so damn good to let this all out though, it's been a long time holding this all in. I don't have anyone I can vent these things to.
In all honestly I didn't like
In all honestly I didn't like my own bio son when he was a teen. I'm so glad I don't have to go thru that again.
Wow I couldn't imagine
Wow I couldn't imagine feeling that way about my own children! I hope their teen years are kind to me! LOL
We have always had such a weird relationship, so many ups and downs. Usually a break when visitation comes along helps us, we just need our space sometimes I think. We have moments when we seem so close but I just hate how I feel about SC lately.![Sad](