when my dh finds out the truth, his child fr his previous relationship, isnt his, should he still be apart of the childs life? bm made dh believe it was his, uses kid as weapon, just to keep a tie to dh, shes insanely jealous especially of me bcuuz I was w/ dh right b4 bm n dh got together, she wants him to be w/ any1 but me, shes posessive, obsessive n pyschotic. dh n bm were off n on for 12 yrs, towards the end of that bad relationship, they were seperated for a few months n she conceived her kid, she admitted to dh she was sleeping w/ 3-4 guys, one being her supervisor, whom dhs supposed son n bms son looks a lot like. dh, bm and I are all first nations, bms son looks caucasian, like bms supervisor, it looks like the kid is going to be tall, again like her supervisor. mine n dhs baby looks exactly like dh. bms story is bm n her family believe n told dh their kid looks caucasian bcuz they have Irish ancestry, bms father was Irish, bms father looks like his mother, bm looks like her father so dont get how a grandchild could look caucasian if parent and alleged parent and grandparents dont??? I know why but thats their excuse into making dh believe he is his. dh was there for the pregnancy, birth, everyday for first year then they broke for good, bm didnt allow dh to c the kid for 3 mo. until bm learned he was with me, suddenly wanted him be apart of kids life again, so fr there on out hes had 2 days a week, and she was awarded full custody n guardianship behind dh/ alleged fathers back, bm lied to her lawyer n the judge, claimed she had dh served court papers, she didnt tho, told dh to go to court week after she was awarded, he did, only to fond out he lost n was given a hard time if dh supposedly wanted access or custody. should he still be apart of the 3-going on 4 yr olds life, still pay her, her drinking $$, when he finds out the truth, he isnt biologically his??
im not sure, he's wants to
im not sure, he's wants to do a home paternity test, soon then proceed with the legal/ court paternity test
If the kid isn't his, and the
If the kid isn't his, and the kid is only 3 years old, NOW is the time to just walk away.
Honestly, walking away would be the best thing to do for everyone involved -- even for the kid. ESPECIALLY considering that it's just a high stress fucked up situation that is never going to get better for anyone.
I'm sorry.
A court clerk can't give you
A court clerk can't give you advise it would be practicing law without a license.
But you can ask the file room clerk if he has any files on people who have filed for a finding of non-paternity. They're public information, can be photocopied and imitated. Also the law-library if the county has one.
Or of course an attorney. $$$$$
Three years is too old to walk away from and expect the kid to not remember but kids have lived through worse. Not unwounded - but in the beginning its his mothers fault isn't it?
No, he should not. Why would
No, he should not. Why would he?