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Question for BIOdads

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Hey, I have a DSD who is 8 and not very self sufficient. She isnt a bad child but not very independent and Im raising mine to be. They are toddlers.
She is coming for the summer and how do I nicely say that I dont plan to be entertaining her all summer while he goes out etc.
Im willing to look after her some times BUT my conditions for getting things herself, leaving me alone when I am napping and bedtimes will be in order.
He seems to think I amsupposed to take her under my wing and baby her but we disagree on it.

stpmom2b's picture

How are you napping with toddlers and an 8 year old? Are they napping as well? Just curious. I would be scare to fall asleep with toddlers running around.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

Mine are toddlers and we nap together. DSD is 8 and in the past spent my nap time waking me up for things that she can do herself or for things that can wait.
Im trying to be supportive but DH thinks Im responsible for the kids in the house. She is HIS when it is convenient but OURS when he wants to force her off on me to do him.

mommyandstepmommy2011's picture

That is how I feelbut he came into the situation thinking that he could bringher over whenever he wanted to and I jsut had to accomodate her. I think he will be better when the summer comes.
I hope to talk to him about it before then