Anybody have any ideas what I should do?
I cannot take my stepsons behavior anymore he is only four years old and already shows signs of becoming an abusive person. He hits almost every woman he comes in contact with and calls them names. I dont know where he gets it his father has never hit me. He has taken me to my limit. He smears his poo all over the place and will eat if if we cant get to him fast enough. He refuses to potty train he will scream when you put him on the potty until you take him off. then he will try to pee on you. sometimes after we change his diaper he whips it out and pees all over the place he has even managed to pee all over his eleven month old half sister. This poo smearing and peeing is a daily thing and I have no clue what to do. He steals food and drinks daily too I give him food and he gobbles it down then cannot seem to get enough and screams when we pull him down from the table. he waits until nobody is watching and goes and steals food he will even wait until one or two in the morning to sneak out for food. The two things taht worry me the most are the self mutilation and the strange behavior to his sisters. He picks at himself pulls his eyelashes and eyebrows out, picks skin off himself bites his cheeks and tounge until they are bleeding, flicks his thing and pulls the skin of his testicles he always has some part of his bdy that is scabbed up or bruised. He has taken to telling his three year old sister that nobody loves her and that she need to die or he will corner her and tell her to take her pants off. She know better and screams for help but I am at a loss of what to do. We have taken him to doctors and had so many tests run on him and nobody seems to be able to tell us what to do. my marraige is falling apart because I am afraid of what to do and want to send him away to protect my girls. Does anybody have any idea what could be wrong or maybe tell me what I can try to fix this?
Wow, that is sad. It
Wow, that is sad. It seriously sounds like the child has been abused. He is showing signs of physical and mental abuse in a very bad way. You really need to get him help. He needs to know he is loved and will be taken care of no matter what. If you can't afford private counseling go to your county or city. You can call dfacs and they have to help you get him into therapy. Please do something for this little boy. I know you are fed up but he has been treated terribly in his four years and needs someone to care about him.
that kid is def being
that kid is def being abused, and sees things he shouldnt see. no child acts out that way on their own, without ever witnessing it. get him the the dr IMMEDIATELY!!!-- before he hurts someone.