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What to do when the cops get involved

wits_end's picture

My fiances ex wife has been making my life hell for years. Recently I had my first child he's now three months old. I have 3 step children we get every other weekend. The ex wife is insanely jealous of my new baby. (TALK ABOUT UNSTABLE) she called the hospital the DAY I GAVE BIRTH. She claimed my SD wanted to talk to her dad but it was really a crazy attempt to ruin the most important day of my life. Most recently she had posted false information about me on her myspace page (it was public for everyone to see) using my name, saying she was going to call child protective services on me because she claims she saw me leave my infant in my vehicle while I went into a store. This made me FURIOUS because it was not true and I dont take that type of slander lightly. So in a fit of rage I called her and said some very (though justified) threatening things. She now claims she has me on recording (which is legal in WV) I am soo mad at myself for giving her the reaction she wanted. She always tries to push me and this time it worked. The police called me that evening and told me not to call her again and I didnt. The next day I decided to put an end to the craziness once and for all and i sent her an unbelievably nice and apoligetic letter. I said that we have to get along for the kids and Im sorry for anything I have ever said. HER RESPONSE? She called the cops and said I was Harassing her. So putting my pride aside and being nice to a person I hate did NO GOOD. Now I fear the legal reprecussions. I have never been in trouble with the law and I just want to be able to raise my baby in peace. ADVICE??

melis070179's picture

Do not contact her, do not speak to her, pretend she doesn't exist.

"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"

StepChicka's picture more contact. Does the My Space still have comments that slanders you still up? That is a criminal offense and she can be held for libel. Don't know if you want to go through the pain of court proceedings while having a little one to care for. Keep a screen-print of the page and all the email correspondance. If slanders continues then you have evidence. For now focus on your baby. Smile

pregostepmommy's picture

Definitely see if you can get copies of the stuff on Myspace... if nothing else it will help you in any legal actions against you. If you want, and have the energy, you can press charges as StepChicka said.

My stepso'ns mother used to pull crap like that (posting stuff about me, texting my husband that she was going to do X, Y, or Z if he didn't stop seeing me, all kinds of crazy stuff). My advice, keep records of everything and DO NOT contact her any more. The records will only help should there be any court issues in the future.

And definitely direct your energy and emotions to your new bundle of joy!!