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Newbie here...please help!

iwasindenial's picture

First Post - Sorry so long... But if nothing else it feels good to get it out! Smile

Background: I have been married to DH for 2 years, have been together for 3 and a half. I have DD21 and DD18. DH has my SS19, SD18 and SD10 who live 1000’s miles away, who he has a poor if any relationship with, due in part to a nasty divorce, the BM bad-mouthing him, and the distance.

BM took DH back to court a year and a half ago and denied visitation until it was settled, which ended up taking over a year (we knew this was not legal but at the time things were ugly and we also didn’t know it was going to be drug out so long). So SD10 came for a month this summer, first time in over a year and a half and the first time without her older siblings.

SD10 used to like me but something happened between the previous visitation and this visitation, whether it was because we got married, because of the long time in between visits, or because of the bad-mouthing of the BM…it was the longest 30 days of my life! She was very distant and guarded with both myself and DH.

Issue #1: The day she came, DH and I got in a horrendous fight (not about SD10 but in regard to her) and then once she was here we didn’t really get a chance to talk about it openly for quite a while. Because of this I think I felt left out and maybe jealous and insecure….I think I felt like he was choosing her over me even though he really wasn’t. I just am not used to sharing him.

Issue #2: I was left with the “burden” of making sure that someone was with her (myself taking time off work, my DD18 or friends), transporting her to lessons, classes and things that would keep her busy/entertained and hopefully make her happy. It would have been no burden except for the fact that it felt thankless and I felt taken for granted by both DH and SD10.

The child has so many personalities its crazy. She behaved one way when it was just her and I, another way when DH came home, and completely different (and normal) when on a play date. She would talk to me when were alone, but as soon as DH came home, it was if I did not exist…completely ignored me. She won’t eat anything I cook, she sits where she knows DH and I like to sit together (I know, probably petty for that to bother me), she is defiant in a sneaky way (not out-right disrespectful), will not wear underwear, brush her teeth, comb her hair. She sleeps with BM and the BM has her brainwashed to believe she needs melatonin in order to go to sleep (we substituted the melatonin for a vitamin and she had no problem sleeping). She calls BM every hour or tried to (most days there were 20-30 calls)… she would sneak off and do it, the only way I knew how much it was, was because I looked online at the activity.

One day she was SOOOO nice to me, I thought it was weird but also very cool because I thought she was finally warming up to me…then after about 15 minutes she asked if I would take her school clothes shopping! So it was just an act, and just to get something out of me…REALLY pissed me off! But it also made me sad, because for that 15 minutes I felt like things were better and I got a taste of what it would be like if things were “good”. All three Skids only contact DH when they want something, yesterday SD10 asked for an iPhone.

Soooo, what do I do now ? I have feelings of dread thinking of her next visit. I feel uncomfortable in my own house (it truly is my own house, I had it before we married), I have feeling of resentment toward her, and I cannot relax when she is there…how do I cope without letting it affect our marriage (which it did BIG time this summer)???

Jsmom's picture

It is one month. Suffer through it. But, I would definitely lay down some rules and not do anything I didn't want to do. It is his child, he has to take care of her. You do not.

Find places to go. On our weeks with SK's I was at the gym all the time....Anything to stay away from SD and DH at that time. I also hibernated a lot in my room...

iwasindenial's picture

Thank you ladies....

We have her 30 days in the summer, a week for Christmas and two weeks for spring break... so more than once a year but yes, it could be worse!

Dart - DH and his family live here and BM, Skids, and her family live there... no family in between. I agree that seeing her more would help their relationship, but that is the court ordered agreement. He would be allowed a weekend once a month, but financially we can't afford that. The year and a half court battle has hit our bank account pretty hard.

Echo - I can see what you are saying about making him be responsible for her while she is here...but in order to do that we would have to hire a babysitter and again, that's not something we can afford...but maybe it would be worth if for my sanity??

I guess it was hard for me to put my foot down with her, and hard to know where my boundaries were. Hopefully next time (Christmas) I will be more prepared and I will handle it better.

OH... how do I go about checking her underwear? LOL This summer I only knew because she never had any for me to wash so DH finally asked her. Then he would ask her every so often if she was wearing any and she would say no and he would tell her she needed to, but she never did... (the last day she even wore a short skirt without any)... good idea with the "go to your room until you get them on" but I still don't want to have to look!!! UCK

Frustr8d1's picture

OMG--this is the story of my life with SD9 (almost 10)! Personality problems up the ass. Dirty, lazy, gross, changes personality when she wants something, on and on.

1st: She shouldn't have her own phone. Manipulative 10 yo can not be trusted with that power.

2nd: Old Dart is right, send DH to visit HER. I'd go with him and just stay in the hotel while he has his visits.

3rd: You're so lucky you don't have this child full time!

iwasindenial's picture

#1 You are right about the phone in hind sight. We only got it for her so that DH and SD10 could communication without BM being in the middle of it, she tends to have a problems with boudaries and likes to text for no reason so it's better to have as little contact with her as possible.

The problem I had with the phone was that while she was here she would always be sneaking off to call BM, even though she was here physically, mentally she was still with the BM and always thinking about what was going on there. And it felt like with that interference going on, DH and I weren't really given a fair chance to build a relationship with her. When I mentioned to BM that maybe we should take the phone away and only allow a call once or twice a day, she had a cow and said "I never take it away so that she can't communicate with her dad!!" So I left it up to DH to handle and of course he did nothing because he is afraid to cause waves.

#2 We may be able to swing a trip there for DH twice a year but it would only be a weekend trip because he does not have time off work yet. So, she really needs to come here for her 3x a year scheduled visitaion, if they are going to have any kind of relationship.

#3 Amen sister!