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Living with the enemy!!!

stuckinhell's picture

I hate my SS and his BM, I hate my husband and I hate myself for hating so much!!! I'm supposed to love my enemies and pray for understanding and I did that. It worked for a little while but this POS gets under my skin on a daily basis. He causes me to sin daily since my heart is filled with hatred and I miss church because I don't want to take him. he's 13 he's too old to go in the Sunday school so I'm stuck with him sitting next to me watching me pray and sing. I'm even thinking about changing to a church that has youth classes for older children since it's also a sin to hinder a child's spiritual growth. I feel like he was put in my life by the devil to turn me from GOD. Well thats my religious delema. At home I'm a prisoner in my bedroom. I don't want to be around him. My husband works alot so I have to take care of him. He can't be trusted to stay home alone so I have to drag him every where with me and listen to his constant rambling on about anything and everything. He thinks he knows everything. He is such an idiot pig. Smells like a pig and eats like one. Actually he eats like a cow with his mouth open and food hanging out the sides. Tonight I left my juice sitting on the counter for nearly 2mins when I walk back in he's guzzling it down. I can't stand living with him anymore. Just got my anti-depressant dose up'd by 150mg in hopes that it will help..

stuckinhell's picture

thank you so much. I felt so much better just by reading that other ppl have the same problem as me. I've felt really guilty about my feeling up until now. I will probably be on here every day

java's picture

So I am hearing that he rambles and eats like a pig! Most kids do! What is it abouthim that really bothers you?

stuckinhell's picture

He is a liar and a thief. He stole from me and from from my grandfather. He lies about everything for no reason at all. When I catch him in a lie he gets that "deer in headlights" look. Which I can't stand!! He is a sneak too. Always lurking around corners listening in on my conversations. My husband doesn't make excuses for him and tries to punish him, but the boy is unfazed by it. He just gets that dumb look on his face. He has no manners at at..Never a thank you or please. I really hate that I have to take him everywhere with me. He's so embarrassing to be around in public. It's like he was never raised by a mother and honestly I think his BM just set him in front of a tv for the past 12 years. I've tried working with him on his behavior, giving him pointers on manners and greeting people. He doesn't want to be bothered with it. I had hopes that he would like living in a house where there was no screaming and he didn't have to lie and he would get help with homework(BM) is sociopath. He rather take the easy road and do nothing to improve himself.

herewegoagain's picture

Sorry you are going through this. I know my DHs daughter also ate like a pig and it drove me crazy. Actually, the other day we went to a birthday and I was disgusted seeing all these kids eating like pigs. My son is 10 and does NOT eat like a pig. He chews with his mouth closed. He doesn't talk with food in his mouth. Of course, neither does my DH. Obviously, the BM and parents of these kids do because if they didn't, they would have taught the darn 13yr old some manners. I would be going crazy! Good thing I don't have to see skid eating like that at this age...sigh

stuckinhell's picture

my 3 daughters don't eat like pigs either. I've always thought that I could be a better mother than what I was, but now that he's moved into my house and I see the difference in behavior and priorities between my kids and the SS I know that I am a good mom and I wasted alot of time worrying that I wasn't. I hope the SS will realize that he has a chance at a new type of life with us.

stuckinhell's picture

SS just came home from school,now my life goes back to sucking. I'm suppost to go to bible study tonight and I already told the ppl that I was coming over but since SS doesnt have football I'll have to drive in the car with him, wont be able to sing along with the radio and then suffer the anxiety about what's gonna pop out of his mouth once we get there.

I finally told my Hubby last night about how I feel about SS. After I told him he was so sad and depressed that I down played the whole situation and told him I was just pissed about SS drinking my juice and that I would probably be over it in the morning.

This morning he says "I looked at your email and see that you joined a step-parenting site. I'm really glad that your trying to find a way to deal with it, because I thought I was gonna have to send him back to live with his mother." He was so happy that I didn't have the heart to burst his bubble and tell him I would prefer that SS go back to BM.

I really don't want to take him to Bible study!!!!!!!!

Auteur's picture

My skids are the most feral beings on this planet, I'm convinced. I hear you about just 'sticking them in front of the TV' which is what the Behemoth, a CHILD PROTECTIVE WORKER (oh the IRONY) does. She puts on a great "MOTY" act as well.

And to top it all off, I have guilty daddy personified. I know who always will come first and it's NOT me.

Anyway, can you try to do a "Nanny 911" on skid's behind? I used to have to do this out of earshot and eyeshot of "GG" (guilty daddy I live with).

I made it very clear that I knew what they were trying to pull and that they couldn't fool me. (received deer in headlights look)

Then on to education camp where I'd read them the classics and not mind pablum like "Sponge Bob" They'd get Aesops Fables, Mother Goose and Peter Pan, the unabridged versions. Teach them manners, how to hold a fork, napkin on lap, etc. Give them nature lessons. Just like I did for my bios. Either they'll get with the program and start acting like human beings or they'll PAS out. In my case they chose to PAS out. Two years and not one feral peccory over my threshold. Oh the peace!!!

ctnmom's picture

I have a "psuedo" step-son, he's grown now but it's my nephew, who my in laws raised due to my SIL's "issues" (had him when she was 15 had no interest in being a mother, whore,drugs, etc), but we would get him when he got to be too much for them, due to MIL's guilty parenting mostly. You're church stories brought back some memories. The way I dealt w/ it was this:he WOULD dress properly for mass, he WOULD participate in singing, kneeling,etc.,or he WOULD get viciously pinched. My DH used to get PO'd at me, but anyone that I bring into God's house IS going to act properly! DH always over-thought everything when it came to CTBB (my nephew, "Champagne Taste on a Beer BUdget")but for me, the shortest point between two points was always a line. Or my thumb and forefinger giving his fat arm a titty twister! Raised my own that way too and they turned out great. CTBB isn't too bad either, at age 33 he just about has his act together. Biggrin