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I am dreading sunday because ss will be staying an entire week

Katie8's picture

my ss is almost 6...every time he's over dh and I fight...I feel bad...I cannot stand this kid. I find him the most discusting kid I've ever met. He picks his nose and either eats it or wipes it in my's always filthy dirty, lies all the time and will push his Dad away from me if he's hugging me to hug him kids find him so gross nobody wants to share a room with him...I have 3 currently expecting our first together. I honestly wish sometimes DH could just go elsewhere to visit with him...and he's at my house 3 nights a week and every second weekend from friday-sunday. BM is crazy...bad mouths me to her son all the time...I had to call the cops on her a couple times because she was threating me.....please tell me how to cope without destroying my relationship...I can't stand this little boy and I feel bad that I want to scrub everything this kid touches.

WTHDISUF's picture

I feel the same way. SS8 is nasty--won't wash his hands unless he's forced. Lies. If he's laying on the couch all stretched out and Dh and I sit on Loveseat, he tries to come wedge between us to sit down, practically on DH. In restaurants he sits UNDER DH arm (until food comes) and he always have to push him back some just to have elbow room but he allows it way too long in first place. Kid has smart mouth with DH and always in our mouths when we are talking. I don't like him. I dread him coming this Sunday too. All I can offer you is an "Im Sorry". Sigh.

Katie8's picture

wow..sounds like your living my life. we've had so many talks about "personal space" because he's always ontop of DH..even goes under his shirt when we're out...constantly on him ..Dh is always trying to move him over...telling him to get off of's 100F outside..and he's all over him...drives me nuts. He'll look me right in the face and lie..all the time. He picked his nose so much the one night he had blood all over his face and hand..I'm sure all over the bed spread too...all he says..I'll pick it because I like there. The problem is he shares a room with my son who's 8..SS is 5. It grosses my son out to the point he doesn't want him to share a room anymore. We're moving my son into the spare room downstairs and DH seems to think ss can share a room with the baby when it comes...I informed him last week it wasn't happening...babies have to be in a clean environment...not booger city....he asked where he's going to sleep all I wanted to say was at his moms...she doesn't seem to think all his behavior is gross and she's okay with the lying....he's only 5 is the answer to everything with DH and her....sigh...i just want him to be 18 already so I dont' have to see him 4 times a week.

christinen's picture

I know exactly how you feel. I dread my SD coming & can't wait for her to be gone again. She does the same crap too- getting in between DH and I. Hope the week goes by fast for you!

LRP75's picture

My SS also drives me nuts. I'm not all that great at coping with it. The best I can do is to just stay busy, but even that's gets old. Currently, I am engaged in Battle Royale over being respected in my own home. My H becomes a total freaking doormat when it comes to his son, I don't understand it at all.

I also have no advice for you. Sorry.
