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help omg I keep posting

dassia2095's picture

So here's the whole truth. Tell me down or cheer me up I just don't know what to do right now.
When I first met my now DH he had a job that paid him about 3k a month with commission. He was paying 600 for child support. Over time, the job lowered the commission. By the time we were dating he was earning 1500 a month before taxes.. and after child support and taxes he only had like 300-600 a month and his car payment is 400..
So since his custody was every other weekend and some Thursdays, he said he couldn't get a job that would let him not work weekends (he only had HS diploma)...
So stupid me was like let me help you and I took on a job that paid over 4k a month but it was over 60 hrs a week easy.
I did this for one year while he quit his job and got a real estate license. After he got it, he spent 2 months figuring out a brokerage who also asked for 1k to start with. After another 3 months and no client I was like wtf... come to find out he was just sitting on his butt waiting for clients when this brokerage did not provide leads. Spent another 500 on trulia and other websites to get leads. Still another 4 months went by NO INCOME. Guess who was paying HIS child support?
I then realized my daughter had no guidance and no one to rly teach her anything (I was spending less than 30 mins every other day with her and somehow was told everything was fine). My daughter did not trust me at all nor did she like me and I had full custody of her.
So then I thought I'm sacrificing all my daughters time, energy and effort so this other guy (my husband) can smile and talk to his kids every other weekend for a few hrs. Mind you, after working my full week if the kids were here, he would not get up to feed them. He would not bathe them unless I did.... and on top of it all he said I didn't love him if after standing for 9 hrs + on my feet I was tired to have sex!!
So I was like you know what? This isn't right. I quit my job and I handed him all the bills. I said you figure it out, I gotta teach my daughter that water isn't scary.
He had to get a job at the same place I worked and now he only sees his kids every Sunday.
For the last month or so, he began to ignore my daughter. Like she will literally go running to the door and say hiiiii bubba (she called him once dad but his son 7 told her he will never be her dad and since then she has stopped) and he will literally act like she isn't there. He doesn't respond at all to her unless his kids are here and then he kinda says hello........
I've been like soooooo supportive with his kids, I've even had to comfort his son and tell him we all love him one time when his dad got all pissed and slapped him with a stick. ...
Other than this, he is always sweet and nice to me... but he wasn't when I was working so much... idk.... am I a nut job? Can you guys bring up any clues I'm not seeing that are wrong? ? Thanks.... at this point I'm like f^ck this guy.... and f^ck his kids and ex and MIL... :*(
But it's like why can't u just acknowledge my daughter like at all... all I can think of is that he's pissed I'm making him work....

dassia2095's picture

I told him he wasn't even saying hi or goodbye. He said noooooothing. He then went to get cigs and came back slamming doors and yelling everything he said (knowing my daughter is asleep.) Now he's like ok so u want me to leave??
I'm like if you're gonna be yelling at me like this and slamming doors after I told you you don't say hi to my daughter, then you're not welcome here.
And now he's still yelling at me asking me what I want him to do..
I was like do whatever you want and he keeps yelling....

sam44's picture

1. He is my SO and the SO of so many women on here. It's tragic to read. I wasn't wanting to post again but you have brought me out if hiding!

2. Tell me what you want me to do? How weak is he? He will never have the balls to walk but it looks very much like he wants to, I'm sorry to say that.

3. At the very least you need to ask/tell him to take some time away from you to see whether he can cope alone with his offspring and whether he really does want to be with you.

4. He needs to stop yelling. Call a friend or family member to be with you. This is abusive.

5. I wouldn't ignore my worst enemy. It is cowardly. He is a coward. A complete coward.

dassia2095's picture

Yeah... I am so sad because just a few hrs before he was like oh you're my best friend blah blah... and the thing that brought it was me... I asked why he couldn't say hi back when my daughter said hi to him... and he flipped!
I am so down to do all the house chores (which I did when working too) AND taking his kids on Friday when he's not even home til 9 on both friday and Saturday. Then at times he also schedules things to do with the MIL or the sis or someone else.. so it's like the kids don't even spend quality time with him at all..
I strongly feel like *he* has NO Right to yell at me or slam doors in MY house.. he is to this day yet to pay any bills but yet gets all his cooking done and his sex done whenever....


dassia2095's picture

But I did say this, "you don't say even hi to my daughter when she's running up to you saying hi. I'm not babysitting your kids. They're your kids, they come to see you."
So I egged him on? ?

Aeron's picture

No, that's a true statement without any malice in it. You didn't egg him on, this is Not your fault. He's working,you're babysitting for him and he Still hasn't paid any bills??

Oh honey, tell the assholeto leave. He is being abusive to you and your daughter and you are far better off without him there.

Sucks for him that life isn't what he expected or what he's obviously hoping for, but he made the choices that have gotten him where is he is and he doesn't deserve a free ride. If he stays and continues yelling, call the damn cops on his ass. Totally utterly unacceptable.

emotionaly beat up's picture

Agree completely with Aeron.

You need to stop blaming yourself. This what all victims of abuse do. And you are a victim of abuse. He doesn't have to beat you to be abusive.

missflo's picture

I'm so sorry you're going through this... BUT not only does he not contribute financially, is socially retarded but he beat his own kid with a stick!!! A 7 year old.... do you really think someone who does that is OK to be around your daughter??? Really??
Staying with this charmer says to your daughter. You deserve no better, this is what a relationship looks like.
Oh and clarification please "he got all pissed" does that mean intoxicated or angry...( in Australia pissed is drunk) Not that either ones OK... he either lost control out of rage or beat his kid whilst drunk... either way... run honey... run!!!!

dassia2095's picture

He got mad... this was 2 yrs ago. Ss never listened to anything any adult said. That day he was playing with a stick in the water and splashing mudd over himself. After being told to stop several times, threatened with time out and everything he kept doing it. So dh lost it, went over and took the stick from him and in the process hit him once with it.
I told him it was too much even though ss wasn't rly hurt or anything... you know when you're angry the worst thing you can do is go physical. Dh hasn't done anything like that since and the kids are a lot more well behaved.

dassia2095's picture

Thank you all for your support. It rly meant a lot to me to feel like I had back up.
This morning he woke up and drove my daughter and I to the first day of school. He was back to how he was two weeks ago. Nice, considerate and wanting to make sure my daughter knew he wanted her to have a great day at school.
I remember now earlier he was talking about how he will never be there for his two kids the way he wanted to be. He said "in a way, I chose my sanity over my kids because I choose not to go back to my ex." So normally we struggle with getting them every weekend (well he does bc of ex drama), and now that he's gonna be working friday and saturday too I guess he is thinking he will be even less with them. I know this hurts him deeply.
I know I've personally had gotten colder with his kids for a while bc of all the bs I told ya'll about having to do EVERYTHING... and feeling like I put my daughter to the side for them.
So now I think he's feeling bitter bc of the little time he gets with his kids as it is..
The sad thing is that there isn't much I can do other than tell him why not try to get the kids every Sunday or the other day when he will be off. I'm sure mamma drama would love every sat night free and as long as he takes care of his kids instead of waiting for me to do everything, things will be alright. I hope.