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Great example of why I can't "bond" with SS

confusedsm03's picture

Besides the normal not speaking to me when he comes, even when I speak to him...yesterday he wouldn't even ask me for the salad dressing at dinner, as he only speaks to his dad. He complained about the meal I made, but that's every time...I decided to just barely speak to anyone all night and let DH referee the fights and what not. Anyway, DH hasn't been feeling well so we both went to bed early. I hear crying in the middle of the night and I assume its DS1. I go in the room and he is fast asleep so I look over at SS who is curled up in a ball on his bed. I say " Hey bud, are you alright?" He responds with a rude grunt. I say "Would you like me to tuck you back in?" He responds with another grunt. I said Dad's sleeping what can I help you with? He then did a long, rude grunt so I left. I go back to my bed and he starts crying again. I hated to do it but I had to wake up DH bc SS was going to wake up DS. He goes in and SS had to pee. That was it. He dislikes me so much he would have rather sitting in his bed peeing himself then uttering a word to me. I mean anyway, SS is 4 1/2 and the bathroom is literally right next to his room. I can't believe I had to wake DH up for that. My DD and DH have some issues but she always speaks to him, it may not be nice all the time but she still speaks. It's really annoying to be ignored all the time. I don't know what else to do bc SS is really good at shutting me out completely. Every question, if answered, is "I'm not telling you" or "nothing"

confusedsm03's picture

DD gets punished for speaking poorly to DH. DH is very much her only father figure and has assumed that role. He has full authority to discipline, etc as he sees fits for her disrespect to him or anyone else. I, on the other hand, have not been given the same from DH in regards to SS. Well, he says he has but when I used to punish SS, it was always an issue so I just stopped and let DH deal with all of it. DH either tries too hard to make SS respect me or he doesn't try at all. There isn't a happy, consistent medium there. SS is only 4 though so I'm not exactly sure what I should expect. Although I do recall when DD was 4 (now 7) DH expected ALOT from her but the tables always turn when it's the skids.

Auteur's picture

Yep you have to disengage from SS now. Let DH handle EVERYTHING since he is so inconsistent and is parenting by guilt.

Do not do ANYTHING for SS from now on, get the book "Stepmonster" by Wednesday Martin and read thoroughly.

Is there a BM involved? Chances are said BM is creating "loyalty conflicts"

i.e. "SM is trying to take your dad away from you" "Don't talk to SM or listen to her" etc. etc.

Do not take this personally or view it as some sort of personal failure on your part. This is classic skid behaviour and the parenting by guilt phenomenon. Chances are DH feels that if he does demand respect from SS toward you he will "lose his son." (TM)

Fact is, this disrespect will soon filter down to DH himself and he WILL INDEED lose his child the hard way!!